China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Tragic stories, tragic lives


It was not a good feeling to be among drug users. Although most appeared as normal as any healthy person, after a few minutes I found that something inside had been lost. The reasons for taking narcotics are varied: fun, a lack of parental love, pursuit of “fashion”, low self-esteem, boredom and high levels of disposable income.

Maybe deep down, all human beings share the same feelings of weakness and powerlessn­ess, especially when faced with temptation­s they can’t resist on their own and choices they can’t help making. Once addicted, only they can make the decision to clean up, but making the correct decision at the right time is tricky.

A trainer at the rehabilita­tion center told me she has heard many tragic stories about the dark side of human nature. Her own experience of drug addicts has also given her great empathy for the people she helps.

A 26-year-old addict told me how he finally decided to stop using drugs. After selling his father’s car and losing his own job as a driver, the young man had squandered about 300,000 yuan ($49,000) on drugs since 2008. Although he was still able to live a relatively normal life, he lost many friends and his reputation plummeted. It was only when his closest friends gave him a final warning, that he realized the most significan­t thing in his life was the love and devotion of his family and the few friends who had stood by him.

Similar stories have been told many times and with various outcomes — some good, some bad.

Rather than marveling at a happy ending though, resolving not to enter into such a lifestyle is much more worthwhile.

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