China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Rumor mongering

Offenders could be sentenced to 3 years in prison under guideline

- By AN BAIJIE and CAO YIN Contact the writers at and

A court ruling on Monday finds that Internet users who share false informatio­n that is defamatory or harmful can face up to three years in prison if their posts are viewed 5,000 times.

Internet users who share false informatio­n that is defamatory or harms the national interest face up to three years in prison if their posts are viewed 5,000 times or forwarded 500 times, under a judicial interpreta­tion released on Monday.

The new guideline, issued by the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procurator­ate, defines the criteria for convicting and sentencing offenders who spread rumors online that defame, blackmail or provoke.

Those who concoct or edit informatio­n that damages an individual’s or organizati­on’s reputation and share this directly or through others can be charged with libel, a criminal offense in China, under the interpreta­tion.

At a news briefing on Monday, Sun Jungong, a spokesman for the top court, promised that netizens who help expose corruption online will not face charges, even if their posts are not 100 percent accurate.

The interpreta­tion also defines “serious cases” of defamation using false online informatio­n and the penalty for “serious breaches” of the law — a maximum of three years in prison.

Internet users whose posts have a significan­t negative effect on victims or their families, such as mental illness, will be investigat­ed as a “serious case”, the interpreta­tion states, as will those who reoffend within two years.

However, Sun said prosecutor­s can only bring criminal charges for defamation if an offense has gravely harmed social order or the national interest.

This includes causing a mass incident, disturbing public order, and inciting ethnic and religious conflicts. Multiple cases of libel and damaging the State’s image also fall into this category.

The interpreta­tion also states that profiting from helping people to delete posts is illegal. Anyone who gains by more than 20,000 yuan ($3,270) through this practice will see their case treated as “serious”.

Sun said the number of China’s netizens reached 591 million as of June.

Police have detained people for spreading false informatio­n as part of crackdowns on online rumors, but a lack of detailed guidelines led to inconsiste­ncies in the handling of cases from province to province.

Shen Yang, a professor at Wuhan University’s School of Computer Science and Informatio­n Management specializi­ng in micro-blogging cases, welcomed the judicial interpreta­tion, saying it will help to clean up the Internet and crack down on extortion through deleting online posts.

“Those who benefit from helping others to wipe out posts will obviously be restricted in line with the interpreta­tion, which can effectivel­y curb illegal business or operations,” he said.

However, he said that in the short run the interpreta­tion may deter some netizens, making them cautious about sharing their opinions.

But he said police should think twice if they tackle libelous or damaging rumors posted online and viewed at least 5,000 times or forwarded 500 times, because some people may take advantage of these limits to attack others and cause new disputes.

Liu Deliang, a law professor at Beijing Normal University, agreed and said the damage to a person’s reputation cannot be judged by looking at such statistics.

“There is not necessaril­y a connection between the number of clicks for informatio­n and the damage to victims,” he said. “If we just use the number of times a post is forwarded or scanned to define a situation as serious, it will be too simple.”

Beijing lawyer Chen Jiangang said the forwarding and viewing figures will be easy to obtain if a celebrity or popular micro-blogger forwards a post.

When this happens, no one is unwilling to share ideas, and it will not be good for the Internet’s developmen­t, he warned.

Chen defended rock singer Wu Hongfei who was detained after allegedly threatenin­g on her micro blog on July 21 to bomb a government building.

Zong Zheng, a micro-blogger on Sina Weibo, China’s largest Twitter-like service, voiced his concern over the interpreta­tion, saying he will be more discreet when posting online.

“The interpreta­tion sounds strict, which makes me nervous,” the 29-year-old said.

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