China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Bitter attacks dominate US vice-presidenti­al debate

Kaine, Pence seek to highlight skills as men who could be heartbeat from presidency

- By AGENCE FRANCEPRES­SE in Farmville, Virginia

The two candidates for US vice-president launched bitter attacks on the reputation­s and policies of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Tuesday during a fiery debate five weeks from Election Day.

Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Mike Pence sought to highlight their capabiliti­es as the men who could be a heartbeat away from the presidency, but essentiall­y they were on stage fighting a proxy war for their running mates scrapping for every vote on Nov 8.

Polls show Clinton gaining in the wake of a punishing week for her Republican rival Trump, who has been hammered by controvers­ies over his taxes and his treatment of women.

Kaine, a senator from Virginia, took aim at Trump from the beginning, saying the idea of the brash Republican as commander-in-chief “scares us to death”.

“I can’t imagine how Governor Pence can defend the insult-driven, selfish, me-first style of Donald Trump,” Kaine said.

Kaine sought to port ray himself as a deeply experience­d local, state and national politician who would be the “righthand person” for Clinton, whom he described as trustworth­y and more than capable in the role of commander in chief.

An imperturba­ble Pence, governor of Indiana and a Christian conservati­ve, calmly shot back.

“You would know a lot about an insult-driven campaign,” he said, highlighti­ng Clinton’s relentless criticism of Trump and how she painted half of her Republican rival’s supporters as “deplorable­s”.

“We see entire portions of the world, particular­ly the wider Middle East, spinning out of control. The situation we’re watching hour-by-hour in Syria today is the result of the weak foreign policy that Hillary lead in this administra­tion and create .”

For many Americans, the debate was their first prolonged exposure to the men who would be next in line for the presidency if their side wins in November.

Tax returns

Pence is as modest and polite in style as Trump is brash and insulting, while Kaine, who also has a calm style on Capitol Hill, appeared to take a more aggressive stance than Pence in attacking the rival camp.

He sought to drill down on issues that appeared to have given Clinton a bump in the polls demanding Trump release his tax returns and mocking the White House hopeful for some of his impulsive Twitter missteps during the campaign.

“Donald Trump can’t start a Twitter war with Miss Universe without shooting himself in the foot,” Kaine said, referring to Trump’s rants against Alicia Machado, a beauty queen whom he called “Miss Piggy” when she gained weight after winning her crown.

The two men repeatedly talked over each over as they clashed about Trump’s failure to release his tax records, social security, how to handle an aggressive Russia, and the prospect of mounting debt, forcing moderator Elaine Quijano to intervene.

“Senator Kaine could not stop interrupti­ng Governor Pence,” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told CBS news after the debate. “It was really unhinged and really unfortunat­e.”

Kaine, 58, and Pence, 57, are about 10 years younger than the presidenti­al nominees. They each have sons serving in the US military, and they are seen as more religious than Clinton and Trump.

Trump has suffered from what has been seen as a mediocre performanc­e in his first debate with Clinton, revelation­s of a $916 million loss in 1995 that may have meant he paid no taxes for several years and criticism of his demeaning treatment of Machado.

Donald Trump can’t start a Twitter war with Miss Universe without shooting himself in the foot.” Tim Kaine, the Democrat’s vicepresid­ential candidate

 ?? KEVIN LAMARQUE / REUTERS ?? Democratic US vice-presidenti­al nominee Senator Tim Kaine (right) and Republican US vice-presidenti­al nominee Governor Mike Pence pass each other after the conclusion of their vice-presidenti­al debate in Farmville, Virginia, on Tuesday.
KEVIN LAMARQUE / REUTERS Democratic US vice-presidenti­al nominee Senator Tim Kaine (right) and Republican US vice-presidenti­al nominee Governor Mike Pence pass each other after the conclusion of their vice-presidenti­al debate in Farmville, Virginia, on Tuesday.

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