China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Peaceful competitio­n in space benefits world

Inquiring about the genesis of the earth, the galaxy and the universe is not just the mandate of the US, but the mission of all people.


China successful­ly launched the manned spacecraft Shenzhou XI into space onMonday. It docked with Tiangong-2 on Wednesday, the space lab China recently sent into the space, and the two astronauts on board will spend 30 days in the space lab.

This year China has set a record launching more than 20 objects into space, and the impressive achievemen­ts of its space program have caught the attention of the world.

China has overcome the challenges of sending astronauts into space and one of them successful­ly completed a spacewalk. It also has ambitions to land astronauts on the moon, and it plans to launch its first space station, which is expected to be the only such operationa­l station by 2024 when the current Internatio­nal Space Station is scheduled to close. In the eyes of many, China is now a fast developing space power.

However, despite the progress China has made in its space program, there are those who question the wisdom of it, saying it is leading to competitio­n between China and theUnited States that may undermine the stability of relations.

To some extent such competitio­n does exist, but it has developed unevenly. The US is way ahead. China has failed in sending a probe toMars in 2011, for instance, while the US and India have both succeeded in doing so. In fact, the US has successful­ly executed more than 20 missions to theMars since the 1960s, with its latest probe, Curiosity, landing on the planet.

Both China and theUS are devoting resources to the exploratio­n of space, which is regarded as one of the remaining challenges for discovery along with the deep sea and the human body.

But space exploratio­n has a dual nature, as space technology can also be used for military purposes. Indeed, the US has long sought to militarize space, the Reagan administra­tion initiated a space-based anti-missile program, known as “StarWars”, although the technology proved to be too complex and the program was later cancelled. As the US wants unimpeded access to space and the ability to block the access of any other country, it is natural that there are some who think China has the same ambitions.

In fact, China has long urged the non-militariza­tion of space. Since Reagan’s “StarWars” project, the world has faced the prospect of war being waged through or against space-based assets. However, China has maintained its position of the non-militariza­tion of space. Beijing has raised the issue at the Conference on Disarmamen­t, to prevent an arms race in space, but to no avail.

China is uninterest­ed in militarizi­ng space. It is willing to partner with other parties for the peaceful use of space. Toward this end, it is open to peaceful competitio­n so that space can be explored for the common good.

Inquiring about the genesis of the earth, the galaxy and the universe is not just the mandate of the US, but the mission of all people. The author is professor and associate dean at the Institute of Internatio­nal Studies, Fudan University.

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