China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Talk about my generation is profitable

- By WANG ZHUOQIONG wangzhuoqi­ong@chinadaily.

Liu Xinfang works as a barista at Starbucks and used to hang on to to worry about health insurance young employees for her aging parents.

Her father was a farmer from Weinan city of Shaanxi province while her mother

late 20s, Liu is employed by the world’ s lead in Lgi cu off X erin sh fa on pg chwai on riknsXai’ s an, a bc apr ii st ta a loaf tS ht arab nuxcikpsro­avn ind cue si end tWoews to Cr rh yin ab. out health ins ur anEc ea frol ire hr et rh aigsiy ne ga pr, a rs eh netsw. as de H lie gr ht fe ad th we rhewn as Star bf a ur cmke sr fCro rm prWol eli end aonuc tia typo a fr eSnh ta can re xi provgi rn acme,wh hi cilhec oh veer r sm he oatlh th er wi nos ru kr eadn ce in. a factory before the“y Mr yetfi art eh de.r is very happy to heIanr shuecrh lgaotoed 2n0esw, s,L” isuaidis eL mi up. lo“yBeedfo br yet ht heew soc rhlde’ s ml ea, dI itnrgi ed cotfo fe rps uhroc ph ac shea i in sinurXani’acne, cf oar pi mt aylfo aft hS eh rab a nut xi hp erroevfu ins ce ed .” in We S st aC rh bi nu ac. ks has already finEaanrcl­eiedr c rt hit is cal ye ilalnr, es sshiensw ur a-s daenl ci ge hf toe rdmwo rhee n th a Sn ta1r2b,0u0ck0s C po arepn rt oslo lefdemou pt lo aye pea sr. ent care pro“Ig tr’ sam a,gw re haic th re clio ev fe trhsa ht et ah lt eh ic no sm ur pa ann cye.h as taken a lea der sh“iMpy po fast it hi e or ni stoves uryp ph oar pt p ty hteo hear lthsuacnhd­gcao roe d of neo wu rs ,” ag sinai gd Lpiaur.e“nBtes,f”oLreiuthsa­eisdc.heme, I tried to Sptu ar ff chsu ac se hi ans sh u err anwcee re fob rom rny fdauthrein­rgbutthhee­srienfguls­eedc.h”ild era anSdtaf ra bc eu ch k us gefih na asnc ia allrp era eds-y fsiunraenw­cehd en cr l io toi ck ail nig ll an fe tess raingi snug rap na cr enfotsr.m ore than 12,000 par entHsaorfd­el my spulropyre­iessin. g then that em“Ipt’ l soy am ger neattp rae cl ki eafgeths aw ti the c ho em al ptahnc ya rhea asntdak fe an mai ly le ac dare er sb he inpefi pt os si htieolpnrt­eo ta siunpe pm or pt lo ty h-e he es ali tn ha ac nudtthc ra ora e to ref to aui lr sea c gt ionr.g parSetanrt­bs,u” cLkius, sfoaride.xample, has m So tr aef ft sh uacnh2as,8h0e0rw ste or re es bo irnn dCuhriinna­g, athc re os sis na gbleoc uh ti1l3d 0 er cai tia ensd. fT ahc echo u mg peanfiyn an ls co i ah lap sr ne es as url rye w40h,e0n0l0oo“kpianrgtna­eftresr” awginthg pthaereani­ “create a welcoming e nH viarrodnlm ye sun rt” pr w is hienr gets ht aeffnf te he alt e“mawp lao ry mm seen tsep oaf c bk ealogn es ginwg”i. th he a“S lt uhpc pa ore rt in ag nd cr itfi ac mali liy ll ne cs as r-e bee sn foe fri tasg hi ne lg pp rae rt a en int se m expel moype lie-s if ni ea sc wu th ta htro water be tea lil esve ct io sr. our res Sp ta or nb suib ci kl ist,y fa os ra ex ga lomb palep,uhb a-s mlic or ce om th pan an2y,8a0n0ds tho or ne so irns Ct heinf am, ai cl r yo vs sal au be osudt1e3e 0 pl cy it-rieoso.tT eh de ci no mt hp ea nCyh in aelseocuhl tau sre,”n es aridly 4 H0o,0w0a0rd“p Sac rh tun le tr zs ,” ex wei c thu titvhee acihmairtm­o a“ncroef at Set a a rb wu ce kl cso,mw hi nog eanv ni orou nm ce edntth”ew sh cheer em set. a ff feel “a Aw na rom th see rn sin eiotfi ab teilvo eng ri on lg le”.d ou“t is the “Bean Stock” program. Benefits include housing allowances for full-time baristas and shift supervisor­s.

The Career Coffee Break scheme also recognizes longservin­g partners. They have the option of taking 12 months unpaid leave after 10 consecutiv­e years of service. is tShtaey“iBnegacnom­Stpoeckti”tipverowgr­haemn. Bitenceofm­itses tionchluir­dieng shtoaufsfi­nisg aclrluocwi­alnacessCf­ohrinfaulh­l-atsimbecbo­amriestSat­saarbnudcs­khsi’fltasrugpe­setrvainsd­orfsa.stest grTowheing­Cianrteern­raCtiofnfa­elemBareka­etk scinhceemi­teopeanlse­od itsreficro­stgnstiozr­es lionn1g99-s9e.rving partners. ThBey 2h0a2v1e, ththeecoof­fpeteihoon­usoef tcahkainge­xp1e2ctms tonopthers­atuen5,p0a0i0d loeuatvlet­saifntethr­e1c0oucnot­rnys. ecutive yeaSrims opflysepru­vt, means in thSetnayei­xntgfecwom­yepaertsit,iSvteawrbh­uecnksit cwoimll eospetonhm­iroirnegth­stanff5i0s­0crcuacfei­asl asndChcrin­eatehoavse­rbe1c0o,0m0e0 nSteawrbjo­ubcskas’nnluaarlgl­ and fastest gro“wToinsguip­npteornt atthioisna­ulnmpraerc­kee-t sdinenctee­idt ogrpoewnte­hdaigtsenf­idrsat, swtoerweii­lnl 1n9e9e9d. a store manager every 15 hoBuyrs,2”0s2a1i,d tWhei Ccohfefene,hvoicues-e cphraeisni­dexnpteocf­tsStaorobp­uecrkasteC­h5,i0n0a0. o“Auntldetas idnistthri­ecct omuanntray­ every weSeimk.”ply put, that means in theAnt etxhtefSew­eatytelea-rbs,asSetadrbc­oumck-s wpailnl yo,peemnpmloo­yree sthcan 5p0ro0gcra­efsess afrnodmcbr­eaaritseta­otvoerco1f­f0e,0e0m0asnte­wr jtoobscoaf­nfeneualml­y.bassador, while th“eTSotasrub­pupcokrst CthiinsauU­nnpirveecr­e-dseitnyteo­dffgerrosw­ctohuargse­nsdian, wretwaill management and leadership.

Programs likes these helped Starbucks win the Aon Best Employers –China 2017 award in August for marketlead­ing practices after a comprehens­ive study of 113 businesses here.

Millennial­s, people born between the 1980s and the late 1990s, have officially become the largest generation in the workforce, according to Aon Hewitt, the management consulting services.

“As companies grow, they will also need to consider how their consumer base is changing as well,” Aon Hewitt stated. “This means that understand­ing the desires of this segment is essential to recognizin­g future workforce trends.”

By 2020, they will make up 50 percent of the workforce, so it is crucial to find out their career ambitions and their consumer habits.

“Trust is very important when managing this younger generation,” said Melissa Lam, general manager and chief representa­tive at EF Education First China. EF Education First is the world leading private educationa­l institute general manager and chief representa­tive at EF Education First China. EF Education Fbiarstedi­sinthSewwe­doerlnd. leading privatFeor edxaumcapt­lieo,ntahle ininstsiti­uttuet’se bsaosceida­linplSawtf­ is managFeodr beyxaAmlip­solen, Wthaenign,swtithuote­i’s sjoucsita2­l5p.latform here is manageTdhb­eyreAalsis­oonnbWehai­ngd, wthhiso iis jtuhsta2t5­m. ost of the users are roTuhgehly­retahseosn­ambehaigne­d. this is that“Wmeotshtin­okf tthheemuas­ienrsauadr­iereonucge­hloynthsoe­csiaml me aegdeia. sites is the“Wpeostth-1in9k90tsh­egemnaeirn­ataiound,i”esnacide Loanms.o“cYiaolunmg­edripaeosi­ptelesoifs tahesimpio­lasrt-a1g9e9,0wshoguens­e rsaimtioil­nar,” slaindgLua­mge..“Younger people of a sim“iTlahreyag­coem, wmhuoniuca­setesoinmt­ihlaer lasanmguea­lgevee. l and Alison actually di“dTahegyrec­aotmjomb,”usnhiecaat­dedoend.the samTehelea­vveel raangdeAal­giseoonfas­cttauffala­lty dEiduacgar­teioant jFoibr,s”tsihse2a9d­wdeitdh. 66 peTrhcenat­vferoramge­Gaengeroat­fiosntaYff oart Ethdeucuan­tdioenr 3F0irss.t is 29 with 66 perKcennot­wfnroams EGFe,ntehreatin­otnerYnao-r tthioenuan­ldienrst3i­0tus.te specialize­s in

laKngnuoaw­gne tarsaiEniF­n,gt,heeduincat­etironna-taiolntral­veinl,sdteitgurt­ee psproegcri­almizseasn­idn lcaunlgtur­aagleetxrc­ahianningg­e., education

“The Y generation is active on social media platforms,” Lam said. “They are keen to share their experience­s with friends.”

To cater for this, EF has launched BFF to EFF or “Best Friend Forever to EF Friend Forever”. The company has also rolled out summer parties for its staff in China.

These events help employees to “relax and talk” with colleagues.

“Every year our branches across the country hold summer breakfast parties, where we gather all the staff from that region,” said Lam.

“Free breakfast and coffee creates a positive feeling among employees,” she added. “Breakfast is a great occasion to relax and talk.”

Making sure staff are given the opportunit­y to enhance their skills and creativity is crucial at the Shanghai Disney Resort, where more than 10,000 “cast members”, or personnel, entertain and serve customers.

Most of them are Millennial­s and many are looking for a career path inside one of the world’s leading entertainm­ent companies.

“The resort has created a variety of HR measures and programs to help cast (staff) and enhance their sense of belonging,” said Lara Tiam, vice-president of human resources at Shanghai Disney Resort and Walt Disney Internatio­nal’s Greater China.

“This in turn boosts their sense of belonging, builds enthusiasm and encourages them to achieve personal career goals, while at the same time delivering Disney’s signature quality service to all guests,” she added.

Disney’s staff scheme covers healthcare, as well as a mentoring program to support employees.

The resort also provides consultati­ons for “cast members” who face problems or challenges at work and during their daily lives.

“Be Well” is another project which helps employees build a healthier lifestyle through talks and group activities.

Naturally, while “cast members” are encouraged to create “Magical Moments” for guests, a tradition at any Disney destinatio­n, they also take part in spellbindi­ng events.

“Backstage Magic” appreciati­on shows reward “cast members” for their efforts and dedication.

“We organize a wide range of leisure activities, from singing concerts to sports games, for our cast members to enrich their personal lives,” Tiam said. “This also helps them better know their fellow (employees) who they work with every day,” she added.

It’s a great relief that the company has taken a leadership position to support the health and care of our aging parents.” Liu Xinfang , a barista at Starbucks

 ?? PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY ?? Howard Schultz, executive chairman of Starbucks, shakes hands with a parent of one employee when the company announced plans to offer critical illness insurance cover for parents.
PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Howard Schultz, executive chairman of Starbucks, shakes hands with a parent of one employee when the company announced plans to offer critical illness insurance cover for parents.
 ?? PROVEDED TO CHINA DAILY ?? Employees at EF Education First chat over a cup of free coffee.
PROVEDED TO CHINA DAILY Employees at EF Education First chat over a cup of free coffee.

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