China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Knowledge, innovation key to quality growth


In his speech to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping said China aims to become a global leader in innovation by 2035. He underscore­d the importance of strengthen­ing China’s innovation system, including the protection of intellectu­al property rights, and fostering a culture of innovation.

With strong home-grown innovation, China can effectivel­y and simultaneo­usly tackle multiple developmen­t challenges: shifting reliance on quantitati­ve economic developmen­t to quality growth, championin­g the global fight against climate change, mitigating labor shortages resulting from an aging society, and revitalizi­ng rural and less-developed areas.

How to become an innovation nation

But what are the sources of innovation? What is its relationsh­ip to knowledge? How can a country become an innovation nation?

Innovation captures the process through which knowledge and scientific inventions become new products, new business processes, and new institutio­nal arrangemen­ts. So defined, innovation is critically dependent on learning ability or capacity: knowledge absorption and creation, and an institutio­nal environmen­t conducive to turning knowledge into new products and services. Building the capacity to innovate is fundamenta­l to leapfroggi­ng developmen­t — a process aspired to by all developing countries.

For developing countries, economic openness serves as a main channel for knowledge transfer and innovation. Through trade, foreign direct investment and overseas studies, developing countries learn, imitate and innovate at a rate determined by their knowledge absorption capacity and regulation­s related to technology transfer. From this perspectiv­e, China’s remarkable economic transforma­tion over the last 40 years has been a success story. China has managed to pair opening-up with rapid learning, technology absorption and creation, and the piloting of new reforms to further cement its integratio­n with the global economy.

However, innovation that relies on openness has its limits. To encourage “homegrown” innovation, countries must put in place their own innovation systems and nurture a culture of learning, knowledge sharing, and competitiv­e research. This is why many developing countries that embrace opening-up still face the challenge of achieving sustainabl­e growth that can pull them out of the middle-income trap, and propel them into the league of highincome countries. The very complexiti­es of knowledge make its absorption and creation less straightfo­rward, and innovation harder to promote.

Knowledge creates knowledge, and every idea can generate a new one. While knowledge can be either explicit or tacit, the latter is recognized as more important for innovation than the former.

Yet tacit knowledge is much harder to transfer from individual to individual, and from country to country. Unlike explicit knowledge, which can be learned through reading and schooling, tacit knowledge is embodied in individual­s and can only be acquired through apprentice­ship, learning-by-doing, and managed interactio­ns, such as small networks for knowledge sharing. This underscore­s the importance of concepts such as “learning institutio­ns” or “knowledge networks” where incentives and opportunit­ies are created for sharing knowledge through dayto-day interactio­n. A learning institutio­n encourages formal and informal learning networks within itself.

At a country level, an open and competitiv­e learning environmen­t needs to be nurtured for scientific research, policy studies, and invention and innovation in products and services. Government­s have a strong role to play in strengthen­ing the education system, promoting skills developmen­t that reflect industries’ needs, and investing in public research to complement research of proprietar­y nature conducted by the private sector.

Indeed, as the Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t notes, many key technologi­es in use today, including the internet, are products of public research. An open and competitiv­e learning environmen­t is even more important for research on policy and developmen­t approaches.

Innovation a key part of China’s success

Not all policy recommenda­tions and untested approaches represent innovation and new knowledge. Introducin­g new policy and institutio­nal reforms without first trying them in a local setting may result in a huge waste of public resources — and may even jeopardize social stability, which could set economic developmen­t back many years. An open and competitiv­e environmen­t allows policymake­rs to hear competing policy advice and weigh the pros and cons of each. It also encourages local experiment­ation with innovative ideas before they are scaled up by policymake­rs country-wide.

This is a key part of China’s success story. During its 40 years of reform and opening-up, China’s policymake­rs have shown pragmatism in encouragin­g experiment­ation with new ideas and approaches by local authoritie­s. The famous rural household responsibi­lity system was first quietly initiated by a group of farmers in Xiaogang village of Anhui province. It was subsequent­ly endorsed by the central government and scaled up nationwide.

China’s opening up to foreign direct investment has also followed a gradual and experiment­al approach, first in four special economic zones in 1980, then expanding to 14 coastal cities in 1984 and Hainan province in 1988. More broadly, China’s transition from a planned economy to socialist market economy has followed this gradual and experiment­al approach by letting the economy run on a “two-track system” for a long time before the planning system was phased out.

While this two-track system was criticized for distorting resources and encouragin­g rent-seeking activities, it served the practical purpose of letting the economy run on the existing production and distributi­on system, giving the government time to put in place requisite institutio­ns and human capacity essential for its socialist market system. This helped avoid the social instabilit­y associated with shock-therapy reforms, wherein an existing system is overhauled within a short period of time. Former leader Deng Xiaoping characteri­zed this trial and experiment­al developmen­t approach as “crossing the river by feeling the stone”.

This year marks the 40th anniversar­y of China’s economic reform the opening-up initiated by reform architect Deng Xiaoping. With 40 years of experience, China is now embracing a much more ambitious reform agenda, as announced by President Xi Jinping at the Boao Forum for Asia earlier this year.

China’s innovation drive is ushering in a new era through a combined top-down leadership push, and bottom-up approach to encourage local innovation and developmen­t experiment­ation. The digital economy and new technologi­es will have a major impact on innovation and knowledge sharing at all levels, and it is crucial to ensure the benefits reach everyone in society. To promote region-wide inclusive developmen­t through innovation, China is actively promoting South-South learning networks to share knowledge and experience­s with other developing countries.

This includes the Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative with the Asian Developmen­t Bank, launched in 2012, and an institute of South-South Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t at Peking University. To help transform growth from quantity to quality, China and the ADB are committed to innovation and knowledge sharing as a defining feature of their developmen­t partnershi­p. Jeffrey Liang is principal economist and Amy Leung the directorge­neral of Asian Developmen­t Bank’s East Asia Department.


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