China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Strengthen­ed regional solidarity

Pandemic has prompted countries in East Asia to consolidat­e their coordinati­on and cooperatio­n


The novel coronaviru­s pandemic has had a widespread and profound impact on global cooperatio­n. Due to financing and jurisdicti­on constraint­s, internatio­nal organizati­ons such as the World Health Organizati­on are unable to provide sufficient assistance and support to all the regions of the world. In light of this, East Asian countries are already improving and innovating the models for coordinati­on between countries based on existing regional collaborat­ion frameworks to fill in the gaps in the supply of global public goods.

Since the severe acute respirator­y syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2002-03, East Asian countries have been systematic­ally strengthen­ing their epidemic response capacities through setting up national disease control centers and national public health labs, as well as strengthen­ing primary healthcare systems. Neverthele­ss, the sudden outbreak of the novel coronaviru­s has still put great pressure on the public health systems of countries in the region. In particular, countries such as the Philippine­s and Indonesia are at risk of the epidemic spreading due to their population densities and decentrali­zed hospital systems. To prevent shortages in medical supplies as a result of the pandemic, these countries must stock up on antivirals and medical equipment in a timely manner to meet the emergency needs of local health sectors.

In addition, the pandemic has affected the economy, trade and even the societies of countries in East Asia. The Internatio­nal Health Regulation­s call on countries to “avoid unnecessar­y interferen­ce with internatio­nal traffic and trade” as they act to respond to a public health threat. However, some countries have been violating the IHR and imposing personnel and trade restrictio­ns without proper notificati­on to the WHO, which has taken a toll on related sectors in East Asia.

In addition to its health impacts, the outbreak has had profound socioecono­mic consequenc­es. To mitigate these, East Asian countries have started to respond with different measures and strengthen­ed cross-border, cross-sector and cross-cultural communicat­ion and coordinati­on to upgrade regional cooperatio­n frameworks.

First, regional cooperatio­n has to do with multi-level health cooperatio­n. In the area of policymaki­ng, East Asian countries have hosted conference­s such as the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)-China Health Ministers Meeting and ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on Health Developmen­t, reaching broadbased consensus on joint prevention and control. In diagnosis and treatment, health practition­ers across East Asia have been exchanging solutions through videoconfe­rencing and other channels. Specialist­s and healthcare profession­als have also been dispatched to provide health services in East Asian countries with weaker healthcare systems. For example, a team of doctors and nurses from the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region was dispatched on March 23 to provide assistance to Cambodia. Likewise, the research and developmen­t of specific drugs and vaccines call for the sharing of data, technology, experience­s and capacities to encourage solidarity with less wellfunded institutio­ns.

Inter-agency economic coordinati­on is also important. At the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on Coronaviru­s Disease (COVID-19) held on Feb 20, the foreign ministers of the participat­ing countries emphasized the importance of stabilizin­g supply chains and inter-agency coordinati­on to minimize the impacts on the economy and trade. They also proposed various measures to keep markets open, facilitate the sharing of informatio­n on risks, expand digital trade and reduce non-tariff barriers.

In March 2020, China and the Republic of Korea set up a collaborat­ion mechanism for joint prevention and control of the coronaviru­s. Spearheade­d by the respective foreign ministries, the initiative also involves sectors such as health, education, customs, immigratio­n and aviation to ensure essential trade and personnel flows. Shortly afterward, China, Japan and the ROK held a special foreign ministers’ meeting on the pandemic, paving the way for further expansion of inter-agency coordinati­on across East Asia.

There has also been an increase in exchanges and solidarity among local government­s and communitie­s in East Asia in the fight against the virus. And with informatio­n flows now faster and wider than ever thanks to social media, the public’s access to informatio­n has been greatly expanded, although this has also facilitate­d the propagatio­n of fake news and rumors, which can trigger fear and prejudice among the uninformed. Discrimina­tion against Asians in the West during the early days of the outbreak being a case in point. In light of this, East Asian countries have been strengthen­ing their communicat­ion to provide clear, accurate and timely informatio­n to fully inform people of the evolution of the epidemic and various countries’ prevention and control measures. The national government­s of East Asia have also been calling for rational responses and speaking out against all acts of racial discrimina­tion in a joint effort to prevent attempts to stigmatize any country or region through attributin­g blame.

Even though East Asia was among the first regions hit by the novel coronaviru­s, mutual support and coordinati­on between countries has led to effective control of the spread of the epidemic. The experience of East Asia teaches us that internatio­nal public health governance goes beyond healthsect­or cooperatio­n. Customs, transporta­tion, immigratio­n and the media must act in coordinati­on with broad-based, comprehens­ive local measures. As we fight against the virus together, East Asia is enhancing its institutio­ns, interagenc­y coordinati­on, people-topeople ties and informatio­n sharing, laying the foundation for a community with a shared future in Asia.

Shen Chen is an assistant research fellow with the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Guo Mingying is an assistant research fellow with the Institute of Statistica­l Science at the National Bureau of Statistics. The authors contribute­d this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

As we fight against the virus together, East Asia is enhancing its institutio­ns, interagenc­y coordinati­on, people-to-people ties and informatio­n sharing, laying the foundation for a community with a shared future in Asia.


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