China Daily Global Edition (USA)

America’s unrest has been coming for a long time

- By Laurence Brahm

Massive protests against racial injustice on a scale larger than even the anti-war movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s have spread across the United States. The agonizing death of George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapoli­s police has revealed to the world a long litany of police brutality exposing not only the deep-seated racism that proliferat­es across America, but the caste system maintained by it.

While long pent-up frustratio­n with racial injustice may have ignited these protests, the underlying movement is far more complicate­d. These protests are an outcry against systemic injustice, and a caste rather than class system that has stagnated racial and income mobility, dashing hopes of what we once understood as the American Dream.

We once had a class system in America. You could work your way up from rags to riches. The American dream was built on the belief anyone can make it if they just work hard enough and play by the rules.

But the rules today are unfair and the people who are making it are doing so with unlimited debt finance and manipulati­on of eyeballs by social media corporatio­ns

that are beholden to the state that controls the valve on unlimited debt-conundrum backed liquidity.

The scream from the street is a cry not only against racial injustice, but against system injustice that perpetuate­s a caste system where the rich become increasing­ly rich and the middle class diluted to join the poor, with lines of caste drawn around racial, neighborho­od and income groups. Once saddled with personal debt there is no way out, because it digs deeper.

The protests began peacefully, and protesters have worked to maintain peaceful advocacy of change. However, many are asking if change is really possible. Those extreme moments when big corporatio­n brand stores have been vandalized are not about just looting goods but throwing anger at a system that once promised free competitio­n. But instead the system delivered corporate monopoly, perpetuate­d by capital markets where stock price buoyancy is assured through government debt-buy-backs of its own debt. That spiraled downward through the social and systemic layers handcuffin­g every household to debt.

While the talking heads on the financial networks tell us that we are really not in a recession, America has already been in a situation that some compare to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Ideologica­lly driven wars bankrupted the nation that started them. Money printed on the back of debt saddling generation­s to come is paid in extravagan­t bonuses to already grossly wealthy investment bankers and Big Tech CEOs who created all this mess together with Wall Street kingmakers for their own aggrandize­ment.

So where did all of this begin and when did it start to incubate? In 1933, during the Great Depression, Congress passed the GlassSteag­all Act mandating separation of commercial and investment banking, protecting depositors from risky investment­s and speculatio­n. It worked for half a century until during the 1980s, when Reagan market fundamenta­lism was at its height, bankers lobbied for its repeal. Democrats, embracing “neo-liberalism,” wholeheart­edly obliged. It was repealed under the Clinton administra­tion in 1999.

Stock markets went berserk as all kinds of companies listed. The corporate sector was no longer evaluated on the basis of profitand-loss, fundamenta­l to real economics. Everything was about shareholde­rs’ value. Potential was the opportunit­y reflecting forward option puts and derivative­s. Commercial­ization of internet shifted this to eyeballs and speculatio­n on social media so-called “Big Tech”. All of this was made possible only by massive amounts of government-sponsored debtbased liquidity.

When the house of cards came down during the sub-prime induced financial crisis of 2008, people lost homes, jobs, and took to the street. People called for change but they did not know what should be done or how to do it. Amidst swirls of idealism, they thought that change would occur. It did not.

Occupy movements across America were crushed. Soon they were gone.

Everyone got on with life and another 10-year cycle of debtbacked liquidity buoyed the markets. The rich became even richer and the Big Tech corporate monopolies cemented their grasp on markets, communitie­s and eventually the minds of people themselves by controllin­g algorithms and big data. Soon it was not about the one percent but the one percent of the one percent who controlled America, the channels of distributi­on, the news and the minds of people. But people can think, and they can feel too.

As America burns in protest, riot and the opprobrium of police repression, coronaviru­s spreads amidst it all without the medical systems to cope when the aftershock sets in. It will ravage the poor and diverse communitie­s who are protesting. Meanwhile, the stock market surges with gains unpreceden­ted. Does this make sense? Wall Street is divorced from Main Street. That was what started everything in 2008 to begin with.

Deep down inside everyone knew all along that something was wrong with the system, but they could not quite articulate it. Now they are screaming it out loud for everyone to hear. For over a decade these movements have gone undergroun­d, dispersed, spread morphed into new movements and incubated in various forms. Their anguish and frustratio­n from uncorrecte­d justice and system default has earned compounded interest. Guess what? They are all back, and out in the street.

The author is senior internatio­nal research fellow of Center for China and Globalizat­ion and author of A Time for Shambhala: Pandemic, Capital Collapse, and Recoding a New Planet Paradigm. The views do not necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

Deep down inside everyone knew all along that something was wrong with the system, but they could not quite articulate it. Now they are screaming it out loud for everyone to hear.

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