China Daily Global Edition (USA)

Survey: Americans now less patriotic, tolerant of others

Philadelph­ia copes with US’ latest chemical spill minluzhang@chinadaily­

- By MINLU ZHANG in New York By AI HEPING in New York

It’s been a roller coaster ride for Philadelph­ia residents for two days.

They were advised on Sunday to consider drinking only bottled water due to a chemical spill that occurred in neighborin­g Bucks county, Americans contaminat­ing are placing the far Delaware less importance River, which on patriotism, is Philadelph­ia’s tolerance main for source others, of water religion supply. and other One values day that after have people long flocked defined to the grocery country’s stores national and emptied character, the according bottled water to a shelves, new survey. city leaders said The the Wall tap Street water Journal, is still safe with to NORC drink as at of the Monday. University of Chicago, “There a is nonpartisa­n no need to buy research water at organizati­on, this time. Customers released can fill the bottles survey or Monday pitchers with that tap found water with money no risk was at the this only time,” priority the city that said in has a statement grown in importance released on Sunday since afternoon. the Journal did a similar City officials survey said in 1998. the current water Money supply was is cited safe to as drink very until important at least by 3:30 43 pm percent on Tuesday. in the new But survey, the safety up status from 31 of percent the water in may 1998. be subject The survey to alteration of 1,019 pending adults conducted further water March tests. 1-13, found 38 percent According of respondent­s to an analysis said patriotism by The Guardian was newspaper, very important chemical to them, accidents and 39 in percent the US said are religion happening was very approximat­ely important. every That two was days. down from The the data, 1998 collected survey by when the Environmen­tal 70 percent felt Protection patriotism Agency to be very and important, nonprofit organizati­ons and 62 percent tracking said religion chemical was. accidents, included incidents Aside caused from by train money, derailment­s, all age groups, truck crashes, including pipeline seniors, ruptures, attached and industrial far less plant importance leaks and to spills. the priorities In the first and seven values weeks than of when 2023, pollsters there were asked already about more them than in 1998 30 and chemical 2019. But incidents, younger Americans averaging in roughly particular one every placed day low and importance a half, according on those to the values. Coalition to Prevent Some Chemical 23 percent Disasters, of adults an organizati­on under age 30 that said has in been the documentin­g survey that patriotism instances of was chemical very important accidents to them since personally, April 2020. compared Last year, with the 59 group percent recorded of seniors 188 incidents, age 65 up or older. from 177 Some in 2021. 31 percent of younger respondent­s The chemical said spill that happened religion was late very Friday important evening at to the them, Trinseo compared Altuglas with 55 percent among seniors.

Only 23 percent of adults under age 30 said that having children was very important.

Bill McInturff, a pollster who worked on a previous Journal survey that measured attitudes, along with NBC News, said that “these difference­s are so dramatic, it paints a new and surprising portrait of a changing America”.

He said that “perhaps the toll of our political division, COVID and

chemical facility in Bristol township, Pennsylvan­ia, and caused the release of 30,780 and 45,600 liters of a water-based latex finishing solution into the river.

A grocery store employee in the Philadelph­ia the lowest economic metropolit­an confidence area told in China decades Daily is having that bottled a startling water effect that arrived on our on core Monday values’’. morning had sold out Jennifer in the afternoon. Benz, vice-president “There is no of stock public in affairs the store and right media now,” research Tingting Chen at NORC, said on said Monday that early views afternoon. in the survey might have been colored by Loss the downbeat of trust economic outlook that “I the don’t poll trust also the found. city,” Philadelph­ia “People resident are Joe just Sole sort told of CNN down on Monday on everything from a about grocery the store country,” parking she lot said. before he loaded packages of bottled Since water the Journal into his first car. asked “They sound about like unifying they don’t values, really it know said what major they’re events talking in about,” the US he have said. “shaken “They don’t and, in sound some confident ways, fractured in what they’re the nation’’, telling among us,” Sole them said. the terrorist The chemical attacks spill on Sept near Philadelph­ia 11, 2001, the financial was “the result crisis of equipment 2008 and failure” subsequent at a Trinseo economic PLC downturn, plant that makes and the acrylic rise resins, of former the owner president said Sunday. Donald The Trump. accident came a month after The a toxic survey train found wreck the in East country Palestine, sharply Ohio, divided which by spread political poisonous party over fumes social trends into the such air as and the killed push thousands for racial of diversity fish. in businesses and Friday’s the use spill of immediatel­y gender-neutral raised concerns pronouns. about possible health threats. The share At least of one Americans of the discharged who say chemicals, that having butyl children, acrylate, involvemen­t is among the in their contaminan­ts community of and concern hard identified work are very in last important month’s train values derailment also has in fallen. Ohio, according to CNN.

Butyl Some acrylate 21 percent is a clear, in the colorless survey liquid said that with America a strong, stands fruity above odor. Exposure all other could countries lead to in irritation the world. of the Half eyes, said skin that and America respirator­y is one system, of the greatest according countries, to the Centers along with for Disease some others. Control The and share Prevention. who said other “These countries kinds of are hidden better disasters than the happen US rose far to 27 too percent, frequently,” up from Mathy 19 Stanislaus, percent when who the was same an question assistant administra­tor was asked in 2016. of the EPA’s office of land The and survey emergency found management sharp difference­s during the by Barack political Obama party administra­tion, on social issues told The that Guardian. have gained prominence.

It asked whether society had gone far enough — or had gone too far — when it comes to businesses taking steps to promote racial and ethnic diversity. Just over half of Republican­s said society had gone too far, compared with 7 percent of Democrats. Some 61 percent of Democrats said diversity efforts hadn’t gone far enough, compared with 14 percent of Republican­s.

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