Closer Weekly

Geena Davis’ horoscope and more inside!

WEEK OF JAN. 15 – 21


Aquarius JAN. 20 – FEB. 18

Things are looking up for you this week, Aqua! Venus and the sun are now working in concert to bring a major romantic change to your world.

Pisces FEB. 19 – MARCH 20

It’s time to pursue that secret ambition of yours. Be bold and decisive in the coming days to earn success — nothing ventured, nothing earned.

Aries MARCH 21 – APRIL 19

Seize any opportunit­y you can to go out on the town and mingle, Aries. A chance encounter could open your mind to something incredible.

Taurus APRIL 20 – MAY 20

You’ve been living life in the fast lane lately, so take time to stop and smell the roses for once. A little introspect­ion goes a long way, Taurus.

Gemini MAY 21 – JUNE 21

Tired of juggling so many responsibi­lities? Trust your instincts and pursue only what makes you happy. Don’t waste another minute on tedium.

Cancer JUNE 22 – JULY 22

If you’re feeling lost, dig deep to find the right path. Guidance from Venus will open new doors, but only you can walk through them.

Leo JULY 23 – AUG. 22

A Pluto-Mercury mix gives you the freedom to follow wherever your mood takes you. It could spell adventure or a spa day — you choose!

Virgo AUG. 23 – SEPT. 22

Courage is grace under pressure, and you’re the most graceful of all! Put your cool head to good use by mediating a heated moment this week.

Libra SEPT. 23 – OCT. 22

You’re more popular than ever thanks to a big solar boost, so don’t be afraid to fly by the seat of your pants a bit — embrace the unknown.

Scorpio OCT. 23 – NOV. 21

There’s nobody on Earth quite like you, Scorpio. The recognitio­n you seek is within reach, if you let your best sides shine. Show off a little bit!

Sagittariu­s NOV. 22 – DEC. 21

Don’t doubt your worth in matters of the heart. You’re more desired than you think — trust in Cupid’s timing.

Capricorn DEC. 22 – JAN. 19

Familiar places hold the warmest welcome for you, Cap. Visit family and friends to find comfort now.

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 ??  ?? Geena Davis turns
62 on Jan. 21!
Geena Davis turns 62 on Jan. 21!
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 ??  ?? In the 1988 film
In the 1988 film Beetlejuic­e
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