Closer Weekly

I Believe in Myself

The actress-model beat cancer to lead a super life with her family


She’s found fame as a supermodel and actress, yet nothing’s been more exciting for Angie Everhart than giving birth to her son, Kayden, 8. “He filled a void of love in my life,” Angie, 48, reveals to Closer. “I can’t even explain how wonderful it was to me!” Since then, she’s expanded her family, marrying businessma­n Carl Ferro, 45, in 2014 and becoming stepmom to his daughter, JoAnn, 11. Their love and support helped Angie during her battle with thyroid cancer in 2013. “Cancer made me appreciate my life, family and what matters more,” says the star, who’s behind a series of products made with carcinogen-free ingredient­s, including Oralgen’s NuPearl

32x Advanced Teeth Whitening System. Now Angie opens up about her remarkable journey and why she says, “I believe in myself.” — Gregg Goldstein

Describe yourself with one word.

Because I’m a redhead, I’m so many different things: loving, hotheaded, tender, generous. One word would just be boring, and I’m not boring!

And you’re busy, as spokespers­on for Oralgen’s new teeth whitening system. Why’d you get


Your calling card is your smile — if you want love, a job, to be nice. And because I’ve had cancer, I’m very careful about what I put into my body, so Oralgen is perfect. My 8-year-old has played with it in his mouth, so you know if I let him do that, it’s safe.

How did getting cancer change you?

In a way, it’s one of the best things that ever happened to me! Superficia­l things don’t matter as much. Things I do for my family matter, like when I come home every Thanksgivi­ng and put my mother’s Christmas tree up, or send her flowers on my birthday because she gave birth that day.

Was the health news rough at first?

I gave myself one pity party, and the next day I said “F--- cancer!” — like, it’s not going to get me. There are advances in research now that give me goose bumps. I’m involved with this [research] group , and we’ll have

beautiful things to share in the next year.

Overall, you’ve had a great run so far.

I had a very successful career as a model because I was basically the first redhead. When I started, [my agent] Eileen Ford slapped my hand and said “Redheads don’t sell.” I said, “Do you want to bet?” and I walked out. Later, when I was on the cover of Glamour, it sold more issues than any Glamour that year! I sent it to Eileen as a joke, and she called to ask me back! I said “Thank you kindly, but no.”

How did you become an actress?

They asked me if I wanted to be the videocount­er babe — that’s [almost] the title of the role! — in Last Action Hero. I stayed in Arnold Schwarzene­gger’s guesthouse in Malibu. He was as nice as can be, and he didn’t hit on me. It was a whole new life. They said models can’t act, and I felt I had to break the mold. I’ve done more than 50 projects since.

You were attached to some pretty highprofil­e guys: married to Ashley Hamilton from 1996 to ’97, engaged to Sylvester Stallone and Joe Pesci…

Well, they were attached to me, put it that way.

Was it easy being in, then ending, such high-profile relationsh­ips?

We were just men and women. Whether a relationsh­ip works or doesn’t, it’s because of what you pursue. Things were all over the news, but I never read my own press so I’ve never been too affected by it. As long as my phone’s not ringing like crazy, I’m OK.

Were you looking for love when you met your second husband, Carl Ferro?

When Carl came around, it was a shocker, that’s for sure. I wasn’t expecting it and it was like skyrockets! The first time he grabbed my leg, I was like, I’m in trouble!

How did you two meet?

“You’ve got to have a voice inside that tells you anything is possible.”

— Angie

He’s in the nutritiona­l food business and I was doing a cleanse in his company. When I stopped, he said, “Now that you’re not a client, would you go to dinner with me?”

How did having your son Kayden change you?

You realize that the world isn’t all about you, and it’s a beautiful thing. Kayden is the love of my life. I tell him that all the time.

What’s up next for you?

I’m working with cancer doctors on a line that promotes hair growth. When I lost my thyroid due to cancer, if I took too much medicine, my hair started to come out. My bucket list is [filled with ways] to create a better life for people.

You seem unstoppabl­e!

If I took “no” for an answer early on, I’d never be where I am today. I don’t believe in the word “no.” I believe in myself and the things I have and can achieve!

— Reporting by Ilyssa Panitz

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 ??  ?? “I was the first redhead on the cover of Glamour” in America, says Angie, here on a 1993 issue.
“If we’re not working, we’re working out or with the kids,” Angie said of her stepdaught­er JoAnn, hubby Carl and son Kayden.
“I was the first redhead on the cover of Glamour” in America, says Angie, here on a 1993 issue. “If we’re not working, we’re working out or with the kids,” Angie said of her stepdaught­er JoAnn, hubby Carl and son Kayden.
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