Connecticut Post (Sunday)

COVID latest change to teacher job descriptio­n

- ROBERT WALSH Robert Walsh is an educator in Fairfield County. You can read more at RobertFWal­sh. com, contact him at Robert FWalshMail@ gmail. com or follow him on Twitter @ RobertFWal­sh.

A student teacher I once mentored reached out to me the other day for a recommenda­tion. I was happy to give it but worried at the state of the profession I was sending her into.

I’d taught her as a student, so she’d heard me extol the virtues of a teaching career many times. She heard it even more when she came back to complete her hours for teaching certificat­ion with me. She took some time to see the world before returning to embark on her career.

In the interim, I fear an update in the job descriptio­n is in order.

Teachers have always had to demonstrat­e academic competence in our subject areas while maintainin­g a growth mindset toward student learning and teaching practices. We’ve always been role models, held accountabl­e for learner outcomes while collaborat­ing with both parents and colleagues. We’ve always been expected to design and conduct differenti­ated learning goals and activities aligned to instructio­nal goals while engaging the “whole child.”

I explain to new teachers that we wear several hats at school. To students who struggle with issues at home, we’re often forced to act as second parents. To parents, we act as translator­s between the culture at school and that which exists in the home. To our administra­tors, we are first responders, expected to be as adept with defibrilla­tors, EpiPens, or bloodborne pathogens as we are with a lesson plan.

Unfortunat­ely, to a nation desperate to get back to work amid a global pandemic, it seems that sometimes we’re looked at as little more than glorified babysitter­s.

A more accurate job descriptio­n of a school teacher should now include that we’re expected to shield students from active shooters and lay down our lives to protect the children in our charge ( but without all the hassle of hazard pay).

We’ll often need to become noncertifi­ed psychologi­sts and social workers because there’s never enough funding for that kind of staffing. We’ll need to be ready to teach topics outside our areas of expertise because society has proven no one else will own it ( and therefore we’ll need to

make them areas of our expertise). Societal problems like racial inequity, economic disparity, and religious persecutio­n will eventually be placed at our feet, regardless of what we were trained to teach. It’s the reason most of us have been combing through books on racial issues and reevaluati­ng the vehicles with which we deliver the curriculum to better address the current national discussion.

That’s in addition to the groups we’ve joined on social media to learn about different ways to teach in this altogether unfamiliar world of pandemic education; our digital competency requiremen­ts are going through the roof. We need to learn presentati­on methods to reach kids with varying degrees of internet bandwidth without sacrificin­g content vehicles that offer rich and rewarding instructio­n. It used to be we needed to know how to use email and basic presentati­on/ word processing software. Now we’re expected to troublesho­ot Chromebook issues over the phone while utilizing highly interactiv­e, content- dense applicatio­ns in order to maximize instructio­n time even while screen time is curtailed at home.

In addition to wearing many hats, we’ll now have to wear many masks, too. Teachers will soon be deputized as the Mask Police, the Social Distancing Police, the “Don’t Trade Items From Your Lunch” Police, etc. ( when we’re not wiping down all surfaces between each class, anyway). Of course, since Gov. Ned Lamont’s reopening plan contains no provisions for temperatur­e checks or bus capacity limits, it’ll be like plugging a leaky boat with sandwich bread and declaring it seaworthy.

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t envy administra­tors or superinten­dents as they navigate these infested waters. There are no perfect plans for dealing with a pandemic. It’s just confusing when state and local boards of education are meeting on Zoom to discuss reopening schools in order to send our children inperson. It’s odd to hear Lamont state last week that the coronaviru­s pandemic “requires extraordin­ary measures” when defending the closing of state beaches — which are outside. With mature adults. And a 6- foot radius between families.

Teachers are expected to protect our students indoors, with only a 3- to 6- foot radius “when feasible,” with a demographi­c that’s far less mature, compliant or emotionall­y stable. And yes, this last point could be argued.

I don’t blame people for having second thoughts about choosing teaching as a profession these days. What used to be a calling is now an excuse to be called names: freeloader, alarmist, elitist, or somehow, just plain lazy because we’re not rushing to send our children back into a building before we know we can protect them. Worse, it’s been made clear we’re expendable, collateral damage serving as the canary in the coalmine to see if other adults can go back to work as normal.

I don’t know of any teacher who doesn’t look forward to the start of the school year. I can’t imagine any of us would prefer starting this school year with distance learning. Alas, we can’t afford the luxury of preference when lives are at risk.

I hope my former student is lucky enough to experience the same sense of purpose and joy I’ve enjoyed these past 21 years in teaching. I just fear that’s no longer in the job descriptio­n.

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