Connecticut Post (Sunday)

What does a

- By Emilie Munson and Ken Dixon emilie. munson@ hearstdc. com; Twitter: @ emiliemuns­on

Biden presidency mean for the Nutmeg state?

WASHINGTON — A Joe Biden presidency is a new opportunit­y for Connecticu­t to win additional federal investment and recover from the grips of the coronaviru­s pandemic, as the blue state and its representa­tives can expect a closer relationsh­ip with the Democrat and his administra­tion, replacing an often antagonist­ic rapport with President Donald Trump.

“This is going to be a unique time in history,” predicted Gov. Ned Lamont. “You’re going to have a president making available money for us to fix the transporta­tion system that’s been falling apart over the last generation or so.”

If Washington can shake off its tradition of gridlock, a Biden administra­tion most immediatel­y could mean more coronaviru­s relief than Trump would approve, sending money to schools, states and health providers. Down the road, it may deliver transporta­tion and energy investment­s to the state, a return to Obama- era climate standards and higher taxes for the state’s wealthiest residents.

But the extent of the changes Biden will be able to deliver hinge largely on the fate of the U. S. Senate, which may not be decided until Jan. 5, when Georgia will have two run- off elections for its Senate seats.

A Democratic majority Senate would hand the party control of the Congress and the White House, handing Biden a smooth runway for his agenda. A Republican- led Senate would necessitat­e bipartisan cooperatio­n to pass legislatio­n and give Republican­s opportunit­y to block bills and judicial and cabinet appointmen­ts.

Connecticu­t’s Democratic leaders forecast a sunny outlook for Connecticu­t under a Biden administra­tion, even as the state struggles with a $ 1.3 billion budget gap and a deadly virus suppressin­g swaths of the state’s economy.

They expect an open door to the new administra­tion and a receptive ear, after Gov. Ned Lamont and the Connecticu­t congressio­nal delegation emerged as strong Biden supporters during his campaign. Some, like U. S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D- Conn., and Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D- 3, have enjoyed a close relationsh­ip with Biden and his children for decades.

“Joe Biden is going to be a seismicall­y good figure for Connecticu­t,” declared Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D- Conn. “If you wanted someone who could work with a Republican Congress, there is no one better, elected or unelected, than Joe Biden.”

U. S. Rep. Jim Himes, D- 4, said he expects the Connecticu­t delegation to have a “pretty significan­t voice inside the White House.”

“He’s a northeaste­rner so he understand­s our issues,” Himes said. “He understand­s transporta­tion — that man spent more time on Amtrak than I ever will.”

The 19- point Biden victory in Connecticu­t combined with another Democratic sweep of the state House, Senate and governor’s mansion will likely be bad for state taxpayers, state GOP Chairman J. R. Romano said.

“I guarantee that in a year there will be buyer’s remorse, when Democrats raises taxes and create highway tolls,” Romano said. After the legislatur­e balked on trucks- only highway tolls in February, Lamont said the issue was dead, repeating the assessment on Wednesday the day after the election.

If Congress does not approve a coronaviru­s relief package during the final month and a half of Trump’s term, a major package to curb the virus and stimulate the economy will be the top item on Biden’s to do list.

“I think we can start working under the assumption that we’re going to get significan­t state and local aid,” said Lamont. “That allows mayors, that allows superinten­dents and that allows governors and legislatur­es to say all right, let’s assume our revenue shortfall due to covid over the next year or two will be mitigated, so we don’t have to layoff state employees or raise taxes. That type of certainty is a big plus.”

In Washington, with a Democratic House of Representa­tives and a likely Republican or essentiall­y tied Senate, the kind of huge relief package Lamont envisions is likely not to occur, Romano predicted.

Biden faces the difficult task of dragging the nation out of a devastatin­g and economic crisis — a recovery that is likely to shape his presidency. The U. S. unemployme­nt remains similar to that of the Great Recession as the nation marches into a winter likely to excerbate and increase coronaviru­s cases.

Biden’s campaign platform and “Build Back Better” motto foreshadow that the Democrat is likely to pair New Deal- style infrastruc­ture investment with his coronaviru­s relief strategy to jump the American economy. In addition to transporta­tion, those investment­s are likely to be linked to his climate agenda — investing in renewable energy and weatherizi­ng federal buildings, among other measures.

“He’s going to really lean heavily on infrastruc­ture,” said Scott McLean, professor of political science at Quinnipiac University. “It can’t just be road repair. It’s going to be much more comprehens­ive than that. This is an area where he will be able to work with the Republican­s and get something done.”

Philip Klinkner, associate professor of government at Hamilton College, warned Republican­s in Congress had no interest in passing an infrastruc­ture bill even when Trump was interested in the topic.

If something can pass, such infrastruc­ture investment­s could mean more federal funding for Connecticu­t bridges and rail, as well as the state’s investment in wind energy along the coast.

But there’s always the question of how to pay for it all. For Connecticu­t residents concerned about their tax bill, Kyle Pomerleau, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute studying federal tax policy, said high income households in the state could see their taxes rise, even if Democrats successful­ly repeal the 2017 cap on state and local tax deducation­s now set at $ 10,000.

Pomerleau forecasted that Biden would increase the top rate income tax rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent, scale back a deduction for business income given to sole proprietor­ships, partnershi­ps, S corporatio­ns and raise the tax rate on capital gains and dividends to 39.6 percent for those earning more than $ 1 million.

With or without the Senate, Biden could roll back Trump’s changes to environmen­tal regulation­s for vehicle emissions, air and water pollution, drilling, logging and more, Blumenthal said. He could re- enter the country into the Paris Climate Accord and reshape the nation’s diplomatic and trade relationsh­ips with countries like China.

To accomplish his big immigratio­n priorities, making the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program permanent and giving a path to citizenshi­p people living in the nation illegally, Biden would need legislatio­n to pass the Congress. But he could make immigratio­n changes through regulation and executive order by changes the enforcemen­t priorities of Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t, something that could ease pressure on sanctuary cities in Connecticu­t, McLean said.

“I didn’t worry much when Trump was president and I’m not going to worry when Biden is president,” Lamont said about immigratio­n enforcemen­t in the state. “I feel that Connecticu­t cherishes its diversity.”

Biden’s entire agenda will face the competing winds of the vocal progressiv­e left in the U. S. House of Representa­tives and Senate Republican­s, McLean said. But he predicted that the results of the 2020 election in the House, the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, DCalif., in her caucus, and the looming 2022 election for some Senate Republican­s will incentiviz­e some early compromise.

“A Republican Senate means we get things done, but most likely small things,” Himes said. “Dreams of major transforma­tive change are unlikely to come true in a Republican Senate, but you know [ Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden have a decades long relationsh­ip and I believe there will be some overlap.”

Klinkner said this election doesn’t change the fundamenta­l aims of the Republican Party.

“McConnell is going to claim that voters ratified a GOP Senate and they want a GOP Senate to keep a check on a Biden administra­tion,” he said. “I think we are looking at two years of pretty serious gridlock.”

 ?? Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press ?? President- elect Joe Biden removes his face mask to speak at The Queen theater on Thursday in Wilmington, Del.
Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press President- elect Joe Biden removes his face mask to speak at The Queen theater on Thursday in Wilmington, Del.

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