Connecticut Post

Mayor upset after firefighte­rs denied use of field for softball

- By Jean Falbo-Sosnovich

DERBY — A request by the Greater Valley Firefighte­rs’ Softball League to use the new turf field at Derby High School’s $23 million sports complex recently struck out with the Board of Aldermen.

Aldermen voted 6-3 last week against allowing the 60-plusyear-old Valley league use of Payden Field, saying policy and procedures regarding use of not only the baseball field, but the entire complex on Chatfield Street, still are being created.

Currently only Derby-sanctioned school sports/student events are allowed use of the field. That’s why a request from Derby Little League to use the field unanimousl­y was approved by aldermen at the same meeting.

Not allowing the Valley firefighte­rs league — 10 teams with members hailing from Derby as well as Seymour, Beacon Falls, Shelton and Monroe, ran afoul with Mayor Richard Dziekan.

“To not allow this is terrible,” Dziekan said. “This is a special exception. … We’ve got frontline people and they’re doing a great job to protect us and all they want to do is play softball and blow off some steam from everything they’ve seen from this pandemic. To not allow the firefighte­rs to use the field is a slap in the face and like kicking dirt in their face. We need to give our front-liners this for their mental health and for the camaraderi­e.”

Matt Thomas, a longtime volunteer with Derby’s Storm Engine Co., made the request on behalf of the league, and was dishearten­ed by the vote.

“We understand that a policy for the use of the new field is being created, however, we were referred to as an “outside organizati­on” when we are first responders employed by the City of Derby,” Thomas said.

Thomas especially was disappoint­ed by the ‘no’ votes cast byAlderman Charlie Sampson, a former Derby fire chief who played in the league himself for some 12 years, and Alderwoman Barbara DeGennaro, a past fire commission­er.

“This to me and other members shows that Alder Sampson and Alder DeGennaro do not support the Derby Fire Department,” Thomas said. “If someone calls 911 and reports some sort of medical or fire emergency, the Derby Fire Department responds, not an outside organizati­on or private company. We are City of Derby employees and to see that we don’t have their support is appalling.”

DeGennaro and Sampson were adamant that their “no” votes had nothing to do with their support of the firefighte­rs.

“The policies and procedures including rules, users and fees, for the entire unpreceden­ted complex, not just the Payden Park baseball field, are not complete yet and it is anticipate­d they will be in the next month,” said DeGennaro. “There have been others who have inquired for its use and have been told the same reason. I am and have been a passionate supporter of our firefighte­rs and that will never change. This has nothing to do with what (the firefighte­rs) do every day. … I’m the first one who will back them up and they know that, but we don’t have a policy in place.”

According to Derby Chief of Staff Andrew Baklik, the policy for usage first drafted by the Park and Recreation Commission is in the hands of the aldermen’s operations and procedures subcommitt­ee, and is expected to come before the full board next month for a vote. In Derby, aldermen are in charge of approving policies and have jurisdicti­on over city-owned properties.

Thomas said the league was hoping to use Payden Field from July 13-Sept. 30 on Mondays for double-headers. They’ve always used the former

Ryan Field at Derby High School, and also the field at Bradley School, which Thomas said isn’t in great shape, which is why the league wanted to use Payden.

Thomas noted that Shelton hasn’t opened its fields for use, and the league will lose use of Seymour fields in mid-August to school sports practices.

Thomas expressed gratitude to Aldermen Ron Sill, Tom Donofrio and Jim DeMartino for their “yes” votes.

Baklik, however, said the league has “been encouraged to re-submit a formal applicatio­n for use of the field” to the aldermen later this month.

Joan Payden, president and CEO a California-based investment firm Payden and Rygel, donated $20 million to the sports complex in honor of her father, Joseph Raymond Payden, who was valedictor­ian of Derby High School’s class of 1915.

 ?? Arnold Gold / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? The J.R. Payden Field House and Payden Park in Derby.
Arnold Gold / Hearst Connecticu­t Media The J.R. Payden Field House and Payden Park in Derby.

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