Connecticut Post

Unfair to Trump


Sunday’s Post continued scurrilous attacks on Donald J. Trump, aided by the Associated Press and editorial page editor Hugh Bailey.

Bailey belittles the Electoral College as a “tradition outlived any usefulness it once had.” The college has state representa­tives. Representa­tion is a constituti­onally significan­t function in a republic.

So in a presidenti­al election we don’t actually vote for a candidate per se; we vote for representa­tives pledged to the candidate we choose. This is consistent with having representa­tives at the local, state and federal legislatur­es.

Bailey likes the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would force each compact states’ legislatur­e to appoint Electoral College electors committed to vote for the candidate winning the national popular vote, irrespecti­ve of the majority vote in their state. How is that better than the present straightfo­rward system?

The Post ran three AP articles on page A10. A report on initial distributi­on of COVID-19 vaccine had not one word of attributio­n for President Trump’s successful and historic push to get it done so quickly.

Reporting on Trump supporter rallies in D.C., Stop the Steal and Jericho March, the AP just had to work in pejorative and asinine remarks: “rallies to back his desperate efforts to subvert the election”; “Trump refuses to resign while clinging to baseless claims of fraud”; “pushing debunked claims of election fraud.”

The article on Hunter Biden’s DO J investigat­ion slammed Trump, saying “President Donald Trump and his allies have long argued, without evidence.”

Paul G. Littlefiel­d Shelton

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