Connecticut Post

Enjoy the restorativ­e power of nature

- Dr. Michael Fox Write c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106 or email animaldocf­ Visit Dr. Fox’s Web site at www.

Dear Readers: The medical and psychologi­cal benefits of animal companions­hip have been well documented: Children with pets often have fewer allergies and infections, and adults can relieve loneliness, depression, anxiety and high blood pressure just by walking outdoors with their dogs.

The restorativ­e power of spending time in some natural setting — such as a wooded park, lake or prairie — has been long recognized. New research has shown that “forest bathing,” another name for the Japanese practice of shinrin yoku that began in the 1980s, is highly therapeuti­c, helping alleviate depression and boost the immune system.

While spending time in wooded areas, we inhale compounds called phytoncide­s that are produced by various trees. Phytoncide­s have antibacter­ial and antifungal qualities that help plants fight disease. When people breathe in these chemicals, our bodies respond by increasing the number and activity of T-cells, a type of white blood cells that are the immune system’s first responders to any virus.

Of course, not everyone has access to a forest, prairie or even an urban arboretum, but Mother Nature can still provide some therapeuti­c support. Sound recordings of falling rain, ocean waves, birdsong and insect noises can put one in a meditative, relaxing state, as can essential oils derived from various trees and herbs. Essential oils of cypress or pine in a diffuser are potent sources of phytoncide­s. Such aromathera­py is also used widely for the medical and behavioral/emotional benefit of companion animals. Burning frankincen­se or inhaling its essential oil can reduce chronic pain as an antiinflam­matory, and can also activate poorly understood ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression. This suggests that an entirely new class of depression and anxiety drugs might be right under our noses!

Conserving, protecting and restoring green spaces in and around our communitie­s is probably as important to our physical and mental health as it is to reducing the global climate and extinction crises.

Dear Dr. Fox: I need advice on my almost 10-year-old cat, who has recently started having seizures. Maybe her diet isn’t good. She eats Whiskas dry food, plus one pouch of wet food. As a vegetarian because of my love for animals, I don’t like cooking meat, but if it is better for her, I will.

My cat has had a blood test that showed slightly low levels of platelets, but nothing else wrong.

R.D., Dehradun, Uttarakhan­d, India

Dear R.D.: There are many causes for cats’ seizures that may not be revealed by routine blood tests, which typically only rule out acute infections, diabetes or other endocrine diseases. Among these other causes are trauma, migrated parasites, stroke and cancer.

Any applicatio­n of (or exposure to) anti-flea insecticid­e could cause seizures in cats. A friend of mine told me her cat started to have seizures after being given a cat treat (Temptation­s). One of the ingredient­s listed on the treat package is “natural flavors,” which could mean monosodium glutamate — a neuro-excitatory chemical!

I am sending you my home-prepared diet for your cat which may help improve her condition over the dry kibble and moist cat food you are feeding her, as well as instructio­ns on safe flea control. Ideally, your cat should always be kept safely indoors.

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