Connecticut Post

Fair reporting needed


What happened to common sense? All the Democrats are saying follow the science regarding the COVID virus. Yet my friend flew to California and back on a packed jet shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of passengers two weeks ago. These passengers are coming from everywhere and going to everywhere in our country and possibly spreading something. Is that following the science?

Large businesses are allowed to remain open with thousands of customers inside. Yet small businesses with small capacities must shut down and hundreds of employees are losing their jobs. Is that following the science?

As President Trump stated, “The cure must not be worse than the disease.” What is the science regarding the COVID virus? No one truly knows. It changes daily.

It is time for all of us to use our common sense. Social distancing from strangers, wearing a mask and washing your hands have been effective since the time of Louis Pasteur. We should have been doing this our entire lives.

Avoid the television news as much as possible. It is just the same miserable, depressing news every day with a slightly different slant. Heck, they cannot even predict the weather. And for you newspaper people: Start behaving like responsibl­e journalist­s. You are no longer reporting equally and fairly. You are on the verge of becoming a comic book.

Common sense clearly states that if you want to increase your circulatio­n and your respect you should report fairly and honestly.

Juan Matos Wallingfor­d

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