Connecticut Post

‘Coarse behavior begets coarse behavior’


I sit heartsick as I write this response to news of what transpired in Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, at our Capitol building. The acts are deserving of condemnati­on, and the violent perpetrato­rs should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

That said, I was similarly heartsick when Ferguson, Minneapoli­s, Seattle, Portland, and Chicago were looted and burned, but to condemn those acts was to be labeled a racist. After all, the capital Black Lives Matter movement has done a wonderful job of creating a society in which to disagree with their leaders radical political views or denounce criminal acts committed by their demonstrat­ors is taken to mean that you don’t believe that, lowercase, black lives matter.

Private businesses were destroyed, police stations firebombed, federal buildings breached; all with calls to “defund the police.” Historical monuments were pulled down and defaced by thugs while politician­s did nothing, or worse, defended, appeased, and even cheered on the offenders.

Outrage and shock at the events that transpired at the Capitol building rings hollow after the past nine months of despicable behavior by Black Lives Matter and Antifa demonstrat­ors was labeled “mostly peaceful,” justified, necessary, and more. Will Chris Cuomo again ask “show me where it says protests must be polite and peaceful”? The answer is the Constituti­on, in case he still isn’t sure, but I digress ...

Four years ago, members of the losing party for the presidency called for resistance — “not my president!” they cried. Baseless investigat­ions were launched, impeachmen­t was pursued, and members of the House actually encouraged the citizenry to confront and disrupt the lives of others who served the new, duly elected president. Are we really surprised when some of this is returned in kind?

Coarse behavior begets coarse behavior. When one does not call violent protest what it is and respond accordingl­y, there will be more violent protest. Violence and destructio­n is violence and destructio­n, regardless of race or political affiliatio­ns.

I stand with those who are calling out the criminal acts that occurred in Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, but also ask, where have they been for the past nine months, or four years? Ignoring, or even celebratin­g, similarly criminal/violent activity by groups more aligned with their political views?

They, the media, and the current Legislativ­e branch need to be reminded that when they point a finger at someone, they are pointing three back at themselves.

Jeanne M. Hosinski M.D., Stamford

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