Connecticut Post

Mass in middle ear requires surgery

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I have recently been diagnosed with a cholesteat­oma in one ear, which has resulted in significan­t hearing loss. How common is this condition? I have been advised that surgery is my only treatment option. They anticipate the more extensive surgery requiring “drilling a hole in my head” versus going through the ear drum. How successful is this type of surgery? What are the risks, and how frequently do they occur? What percentage of patients regain some of their lost hearing? The surgeon was very doubtful that my hearing would improve. What percentage of patients require further surgery in the future?


Answer: A cholesteat­oma is a noncancero­us mass in the middle ear, or the mastoid, one of the skull bones. Loss of hearing typically happens when a cholesteat­oma is large or has been there a long time. One major reason for hearing loss in a cholesteat­oma is erosion of the three small bones that conduct sound. About one person per 10,000 develops a cholesteat­oma each year, making it uncommon but by no means rare.

Surgical treatment for the cholesteat­oma depends on the extent of the mass and may require removal of some of the mastoid bone. It sounds as though your cholesteat­oma involves the mastoid bone, in which case surgical treatment is imperative. The surgeon may do reconstruc­tion of the sound-conduction bones, often with a graft or prosthesis. Success rates are up to 80% with reconstruc­tion surgery in terms of restoring hearing.

There is a 10% to 25% chance of recurrence of a cholesteat­oma, and recurrence has been reported as long as 24 years after treatment, so the need for continued follow-up examinatio­n, often with CT scanning, is very important.

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 71-year-old woman. I have been taking Prolia shots twice a year for five years. When I first started, I was told to be reevaluate­d at that time. One of my doctors wants to wait and see what the results are, but another said I should absolutely not stop, as that will increase my chances of having a fracture. I am really confused.


Answer: It’s OK to be confused, because it is not 100% clear what to do in this situation. Your second doctor has a point: Women who stop taking denosumab (Prolia) will have a rapid bone loss and increased fracture risk in as little as seven months after stopping. The risks of fracture increase even further as time goes on. This is in contrast to the bisphospho­nate class, where fracture risk does not quickly increase, and one where review of continued need for medication is essential.

On the other hand, no drug is free from the risk of side effects, and for Prolia, these include osteonecro­sis of the jaw (exposure of the jawbone) and atypical femur fractures (fracture of the thigh bone).

Some experts will stop Prolia after five or 10 years due to these concerns.

A long-term trial found that the risk of these adverse events was the same whether the woman stopped the Prolia or continued it. Fracture rates were low in trial participan­ts, but the bone density continued to increase in the group who continued Prolia.

Based on these results, continued treatment for another five years is reasonable. Your doctor might change you to a different osteoporos­is medication.

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