Crochet World

Tiny Tulips Baby Blanket

- Design by Rena V. Stevens


Blanket is worked lengthwise from side to side. For a longer or shorter blanket, increase or decrease beginning chains in multiples of 6. For a wider or narrower blanket, repeat or omit rows 15–22. Leave a 5-inch tail when beginning and ending all colors except white. Tails will be gathered in Fringe. Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Place dropped loop on locking stitch marker to prevent unravellin­g. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated. Chain-2 at beginning of row counts as first half double crochet unless otherwise stated. Take care to work all rows of surface slip stitches in the same direction. Chain-2 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated.


Single crochet join (sc join): Place slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo and pull up a lp, yo and draw through both lps on hook. Surface slip stitch (surface sl st): Insert hook in indicated sp, yo, pull lp to RS and through lp on hook.

Right petal: Yo 3 times, insert hook in unworked front lp of indicated st, yo and pull up a lp, yo and draw through 2 lps on hook (4 lps on hook), place marker in last lp made on hook, [yo and draw through 2 lps on hook] twice, yo twice, insert hook in one strand of marked lp and pull up a lp, [yo and draw through 2 lps on hook] twice (3 lps on hook), yo and draw through all 3 lps on hook.

Left petal: Yo 3 times, insert hook in unworked front lp of indicated st, yo and pull up a lp (4 lps on hook), yo and draw through 2 lps on hook, yo twice, insert hook in same lp, yo and pull up a lp, [yo and draw through 2 lps on hook] twice (5 lps on hook), yo and draw through 3 lps on hook, [yo and draw through 2 lps "on hook] twice.


Foundation row (RS): With size G hook and soft fern, leaving a 5-inch tail (see Pattern Notes), ch 141 loosely. Do not turn. Leaving a 5-inch tail, fasten off. Row 1 (RS): Working in top and center lps, sc join (see Special Stitches) white in first ch, sc in each ch across to last ch, sl st in last ch, drop white (see Pattern Notes). Place marker at end of row to indicate RS. (140 sc, 1 sl st) Row 2 (RS): With RS facing and working in unworked bottom lps, join (see Pattern Notes) soft fern in first ch, sl st loosely in each ch across. Fasten off. (141 sl sts) Row 3: With WS facing, pick up white lp, working in front lps (see Stitch Guide), ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), hdc in each sc across. Fasten off. (141 hdc)

Row 4: With RS facing, hold lemon behind work, insert hook in base of first st between rows 1 and 3, place slip knot on hook, pull lp to RS, working in base of each st, surface sl st loosely (see Special Stitches and Pattern Notes) in each st across. Fasten off tightly. (141 sl sts)

Row 5: With WS facing and working in back lps (see Stitch Guide) of last odd-numbered row, join white in top of beg ch-2, ch 2, hdc in each st across. Fasten off. (141 hdc)

Row 6: With pink and working between last 2 odd-numbered rows, rep row 4.

Row 7: With WS facing and working in back lps of last oddnumbere­d row, sk beg ch-2, join white in next hdc, ch 2, hdc in each hdc across to last hdc, (hdc, sc) in last hdc. Fasten off. (140 hdc, 1 sc)

Row 8: With lilac, rep row 6. Rows 9–11: Rep rows 5–7. Row 12: With lemon, rep row 6. Row 13: With WS facing and working in back lps of last oddnumbere­d row, join white in top of beg ch-2, ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), dc in each st across, drop white. (141 dc) Note: Rows 14–20 may seem too loose until row 20 is complete. Row 14: With soft fern, rep row 6. Row 15 (petal row): With RS facing and with lemon, ch 6 loosely, sk beg ch-2 and dc of last odd-numbered row, * right petal

(see Special Stitches) in front lp of next dc, remove marker, ch 5 loosely, sk next 5 dc, rep from * 22 times, ch 2, leave last 6 dc unworked. Fasten off. (23 right petals, 22 ch-5 sps, 1 ch-6 sp) Note: Row 15 will hang loosely on RS as Row 16 is worked.

Row 16: With RS facing, holding petals down away from work and working in back lps of last odd-numbered row worked in white, pick up lp, ch 3, dc in each dc across to beg ch-3, dc in top of beg ch-3, turn. (141 sts)

Row 17 (WS): Working at the same time in front lp of each dc and of each petal or ch, sl st in first dc and first ch, ch 3, dc in each dc and petal or ch across, working last dc in top of beg ch-3 and last ch. Fasten off.

Row 18 (petal row): With RS facing, join same color as right petal loosely in back lp of first dc, sl st loosely in next dc, * left petal (see Special Stitches) in unworked front lp of next right petal, sk next dc, sl st loosely in back lp of each of next 5 dc, rep from *, ending last rep with sl st in back lp of each of last 6 dc. Fasten off.

Row 19: With WS facing and working in unworked back lps of last odd-numbered row and behind each left petal, join white in top of beg ch-3, ch 3, dc in each of next 5 dc, *sk next unworked dc, 2 dc in next dc**, dc in each of next 4 dc, rep from *, ending last rep at **, hdc in last dc, turn.

Row 20 (RS): Ch 1, sc in each st across to beg ch-3, sc in top of beg ch-3, drop white.

Row 21: With RS facing, join soft fern in first st, sl st loosely in each st across. Fasten off.

Row 22: With WS facing, pick up white lp, ch 2, working in back lps and without working into sl sts, dc in each st across, drop white, turn.

Rows 23–30: With lilac in rows 15 and 18, rep rows 15–22.

Rows 31–38: With pink in rows 15 and 18, rep rows 15–22.

Rows 39–46: With lemon in rows 15 and 18, rep rows 15–22. Rows 47–54: Rep rows 31–38. Rows 55–86: Rep rows 23–54. Rows 87–94: Rep rows 23–30. Rows 95–101: With lemon in rows 15 and 18, rep rows 15–21.

Row 102 (WS): Pick up white lp, ch 2, working in back lps and without working in sl sts, hdc in each st, working last hdc in top of beg ch-2. Fasten off.

Row 103: With WS facing and working in back lps, join white in top of beg ch-2, ch 2, hdc in each st across. Fasten off.

Row 104: With RS facing, hold lemon under work, insert hook in base of first st between last 2 rows, place slip knot on hook, pull lp to RS, working in base of each st, surface sl st loosely in each st across. Fasten off tightly. (141 sl sts)

Rows 105–108: Rep rows 5–8. Row 109: With size F hook, WS facing and working in back lps, join white in top of beg ch-2, ch 2, hdc in each st across, drop white.

Row 110: With size G hook and RS facing, rep row 6.

Row 111: With lemon, rep row 21.

Row 112: With size F hook and RS facing, pick up white lp, working in front lps of row 109 and without working in sl sts, 2 sc in first hdc, sc in each hdc across to last st, leave last st unworked. Fasten off.

Row 113: With RS facing and size F hook, join soft fern in first st, sl st in each st across. Fasten off.


Weave in white ends and ends of lemon rows 4, 12, 104 and 111 and pink rows 6, 10, 106 and 110.


Cut 9-inch strands as follows: 4 strands of matching color for each end at center of each tulip row, 4 strands of lilac for each end of each of rows 8 and 108, and 5 strands of soft fern for end of each row of matching color. For each Fringe, hold the appropriat­e number of strands tog and fold in half. Insert hook from RS in end of matching color row, pull folded end through, pull ends including beg or end tail through fold, pull ends to tighten knot. Work Fringe in end of each matching color row across each short end. Trim ends evenly.

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