Crochet World

Fall Colors Rug

- Design by Tara Cousins


24 inches wide x 42 inches long


• Caron One Pound medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (16 oz/ 812 yds/454g per skein): 2 skeins #0589 cream 1 skein each #0581 espresso, #0549 sunflower, #0614 pumpkin and #0620 grass green • Size M/13/9mm crochet hook • Tapestry needle


With 3 strands: 4 dc = 2 inches; 2 rows = 2 inches Gauge is not important for this project.


Hold 2 strands of cream and 1 strand of indicated color together throughout. Work loosely. It will be difficult to work into stitches if they are too tight. Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-2 at beginning of row does not count as a stitch unless otherwise stated.


Double crochet decrease over 3 stitches (dc2tog

over-3): *Yo, insert hook in next st, yo, pull up a lp, draw through 2 lps on hook*, sk next st, rep between * once, yo, draw through all 3 lps on hook.


With 2 strands of cream and 1 strand of pumpkin held tog, loosely ch 53. Row 1: Dc in 3rd ch from hook (beg sk chs count as first dc), *dc in next 3 chs, dc2tog-over-3 (see Special Stitch), dc in next 3 chs, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next ch. Rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last ch (instead of dc, ch 1, dc). Turn. (35 dc, 4 ch-1 sps) Row 2: Ch 2 (see Pattern

Notes), 2 dc in first dc, *dc in each of the next 3 dc, dc2togover-3, sk dc2tog-over-3 of previous row, dc in next 3 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc) in ch-1 sp. Rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last st (instead of dc, ch 1, dc). Turn.

Rows 3 & 4: Rep row 2. At the end of row 4, drop pumpkin strand and pick up a strand of espresso. You will now have 2 cream and 1 espresso. Row 5: Working in back lps

(see Stitch Guide) across, ch 2, 2 dc in first dc, *dc in each of the next 3 dc, dc2tog-over-3, sk dc2tog-over-3 of previous row, dc in next 3 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc) in back lp of ch-1. Rep from * across, ending with 2 dc in last st (instead of dc, ch 1, dc). Turn.

Rows 6–8: Rep row 2, working in both lps. At the end of row 8, drop espresso strand and pick up a strand of grass green. You will now have 2 strands cream and 1 grass green. Row 9: Rep row 5.

Rows 10–12: Rep row 2, working in both lps. At the end of row 12, drop grass green strand and pick up a strand of sunflower. You will now have 2 strands cream and 1 sunflower. Row 13: Rep row 5.

Rows 14–16: Rep row 2, working in both lps. At the end of row 16, drop sunflower strand and pick up a strand of pumpkin. You will now have 2 strands cream and 1 pumpkin. Rows 17–36: Continue in pattern, changing colors according to the following color order: Rows 17–20: Pumpkin Rows 21–24: Sunflower Rows 25–28: Grass Green Rows 29–32: Espresso Rows 33–36: Pumpkin At the end of row 36, fasten off all 3 strands. CW

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