Crochet World

Patchwork Kitty

- Design by Sheila Leslie


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Do not join rounds or turn unless otherwise stated. Place stitch marker at beginning of rounds and move up as each round is completed. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Single crochet join (sc join): Place a slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo and draw up a lp, yo and pull through both lps on hook.


Rnd 1: With pink, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, place marker (see Pattern Notes). (6 sc) Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12 sc)

Rnd 3: [Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] around. (18 sc)

Rnd 4: [Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st] around. (24 sc)

Rnd 5: [2 sc in next st, sc in each of next 3 sts] around. (30 sc) Rnd 6: Sc in each st around. Rnd 7: [Sc in each of next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st] around. (36 sc) Rnds 8–10: Sc in each st around.

Rnd 11: [ Sc dec (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 sts, sc in each of next 16 sc] twice. (34 sc) Rnd 12: Sc in each st around. Rnd 13: [Sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in each of next 15 sts] twice. (32 sc) Rnd 14: Rep rnd 12. Rnd 15: [Sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in each of next 14 sts] twice. (30 sc) Rnd 16: Rep rnd 12. Rnd 17: [Sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in each of next 13 sts] twice. (28 sc) Rnd 18: [Sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in each of next 12 sts] twice. (26 sc) Stuff Head firmly.

Rnd 19: [Sc in each of next 5 sts, sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in each of next 4 sts, sc dec in next 2 sts] twice. (22 sc)

Rnd 20: [Sc in each of next 4 sts, sc dec in next 2 sts, sc in each of next 3 sts, sc dec in next 2 sts] twice. (18 sc) Rnd 21: [Sc in next st, sc dec in next 2 sts] around. (12 sc) Finish stuffing Head. Rnd 22: Rep rnd 21, join (see Pattern Notes) in beg sc. Fasten off. (8 sc)


Rnds 1 & 2: With yellow, rep rnds 1 and 2 of Head. (12 sc)

Rnd 3: [2 sc in each of next 3 sts, sc in each of next 3 sts] around. (18 sc)

Rnd 4: *[Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 3 times, sc in each of next 3 sts, rep from * once. (24 sc)

Rnd 5: Sc in each of next 3 sts, [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] twice, sc in each of next 8 sts, [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] twice, sc in each of next 5 sts. (28 sc) Rnd 6: Sc in each st around. Row 7: Now working in rows, sl st in each of next 4 sts, sc in each of next 19 sts, sl st in next st, leave rem sts unworked, turn. (24 sts)

Row 8: Ch 1, sc in first sl st, sc in each of next 3 sts, [hdc in next st, 2 hdc in next st] 3 times, hdc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, [hdc in next st, 2 hdc in next st] 3 times, hdc in next st, sc in next sl st, join in next sl st, leave rem sts unworked. Leaving 14-inch tail for sewing, fasten off. (5 sc, 22 hdc, 2 dc) Stuff Snout. Place dc at rnd 9 of Head and with end tail, sew Snout to Head.


Make 2.

Row 1: With purple, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. (6 sc)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.

Row 3: Ch 1, sc dec in first 2 sts, sc in each of next 2 sts, sc dec in last 2 sts, turn. (4 sc)

Row 4: Ch 1, [sc dec in next 2 sts] twice, turn. (2 sc) Row 5: Rep row 2. Row 6: Sc dec in 2 sts. Fasten off. (1 sc)

Edging: Working in ends of rows of first edge, sc join (see

Special Stitch) purple in row 1, sc in each row, 3 sc in sc of row 6, working in ends of rows of 2nd edge, sc in each row. Leaving a long tail for sewing, fasten off. Refer to photo as a guide and sew each Ear to Head.


With black, embroider satin stitch (see illustrati­on) eyes above Snout. For whiskers, cut 8 5-inch strands black crochet cotton. Hold 2 strands tog and thread through Snout on side of nose; tie strands together to secure. Rep 3 times. Coat with fabric stiffener and allow to dry. Trim to desired length.

Rnds 1–3: Leaving a 14-inch tail, with turqua, rep rnds 1–3 of Head. (18 sc)

Rnd 4: [Sc in each of next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st] around. (21 sc) Rnd 5: Sc in each st around. Rnd 6: [Sc in each of next 6 sts, 2 sc in next st] around. (24 sc) Rnd 7: Rep rnd 5. Rnd 8: [Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st] around. (30 sc) Rnd 9: Rep rnd 5.

Rnd 10: [Sc in each of next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st] around. (36 sc)

Rnd 11: Rep rnd 5, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

Rnd 12: Sc join pink in same st as join, sc in each rem st around.

Rnds 13–15: Rep rnd 5. Rnd 16: [Sc in each of next 8 sts, 2 sc in next st] around. (40 sc) Rnd 17: Rep rnd 11. Rnd 18: Sc join purple in same st as join, 2 sc in next st, sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, sc in each of next 33 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next st, 2 sc in last st. (44 sc)

Rnds 19–24: Rep rnd 5. Rnd 25: [Sc in each of next 9 sts, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (40 sc) Stuff Body.

Rnd 26: [Sc in each of next 8 sts, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (36 sc) Rnd 27: [Sc in each of next 4 sts, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (30 sc) Finish stuffing Body.

Rnd 28: [Sc in each of next 3 sts, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (24 sc) Rnd 29: [Sc in each of next 2 sts, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (18 sc)

Rnd 30: [Sc in next st, sc dec in next 2 sc] around. (12 sc)

Rnd 31: [Sc dec in next 2 sc] around, join in beg sc. Leaving a long tail, fasten off. (12 sc) Weave end tail through last rnd and pull sts closed. With beg tail, sew Head to Body.


Make 2. Rnds 1–3: With Aruba sea, rep rnds rnd 1–3 of Head. (18 sc) Rnds 4–6: Sc in each st around. Rnd 7: Sc in each of next 5 sts, [sc dec in next 2 sts] 4 times, sc in each of next 5 sts, join in beg sc. Fasten off. (14 sc) Rnd 8: Sc join flame in same st as join, sc in each st around. Rnds 9–19: Sc in each st around.

Rnd 20: Sc in each st around, join in beg sc, turn.

Rnd 21: Now working in rows, sc in joining sl st, hdc in each of next 5 sts, sc in next st, sl st in next st, leave rem sts unworked. Leaving 12-inch tail, fasten off. Stuff Leg and sew to front of Body.


Rnds 1–7: With lemon, rep rnds 1–7 of Front Leg. (14 sc) Rnd 8: Sc join periwinkle in same st as join, sc in each st around. Rnds 9–13: Sc in each st around.


Row 14: Now working in rows, sc in next st, sl st in next st, turn, leave rem sts unworked. (1 sc)

Row 15: Ch 1, sk sl st, (sc, hdc) in sc, working in unworked sts of rnd 13, [hdc in each of next 2 sts, 2 hdc in next st] twice, (hdc, sc) in next st, sl st in next st, leave rem sts unworked, turn. (2 sc, 10 hdc)

Row 16: Ch 1, sk sl st, sc in first st, hdc in each of next 8 sts, sc in next st, leave rem sts unworked, turn. (2 sc, 8 hdc)

Rows 17 & 18: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. At end of row 18, leaving 16-inch tail, fasten off.


Rnds 1–13: Rep rnds 1–13 of Left Back Leg. (14 sc)


Row 14: Now working in rows, (sc, hdc) in next st, [hdc in each of next 2 sts, 2 hdc in next st] twice, (hdc, sc) in next st, turn. (2 sc, 10 hdc)

Row 15: Ch 1, sc in next st, hdc in each of next 8 sts, sc in next st, turn. (2 sc, 8 hdc)

Rows 16 & 17: Rep rows 17 and 18 of Left Back Leg. Stuff Legs, place Haunches on sides of Body so Kitty is sitting, and sew in place.


Rnd 1: With purple, rep rnd 1 of Head. (6 sc) Rnd 2: [2 sc in next st, sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] around. (10 sc) Stuff Tail lightly as you work. Rnd 3: Sc in each st around. Rnd 4: Rep rnd 3, join in beg sc. Fasten off.

Rnd 5: Sc join lemon in same st as join, sc in each st around.

Rnds 6 & 7: Rep rnd 3 and 4. Fasten off. Rnds 8–10: With Aruba sea, rep rnds 5–7. Rnds 11–13: With pink, rep rnds 5–7.

Rnds 14–16: With periwinkle, rep rnds 5–7.

Rnd 17: Sc join flame in same st as join, sc in each of next 3 sts, hdc in each of next 5 sts, sc in each of next 2 sts. (5 sc, 5 hdc)

Rnds 18 & 19: Sl st in each of next 3 sts, hdc in each of next 5 sts, sl st in each of next 2 sts. At end of rnd 19, join in beg st, fasten off. (5 sl sts, 5 hdc)

Rnd 20: Sc join turqua in same st as join, sc in each st around.

Rnd 21: Sc in each of next 3 sts, hdc in each of next 5 sts, sc in each of next 2 sts. (5 sc, 5 hdc)

Rnd 22: Sl st in each of next 5 sts, hdc in each of next 5 sts. (5 sl sts, 5 hdc)

Rnd 23: Sc in each st around, join in beg sc, leaving 10-inch tail, fasten off. Finish stuffing, curving Tail upwards. Sew to back of Body.


With amethyst, ch 30 or as many chs as needed to fit around neck, hdc in 3rd ch from hook and in each ch across. Fasten off. Place Collar around neck and sew ends together. If desired, thread tail through bell and secure to Collar.

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