Crochet World

Touch of Style

Art Deco Neck Warmer Design by Kristen Stoltzfus Clay

- Design by Kristen Stoltzfus Clay


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-4 at beginning of round counts as first treble crochet unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Single crochet join (sc join): Place slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo, pull up a lp, yo and draw through both lps on hook.


Row 1 (RS): Ch 5, 2 tr in 5th ch

from hook (beg 4 sk chs count as first tr), turn. (3 tr) Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each tr across, turn. (3 sc) Row 3: Ch 4 (see Pattern

Notes), Color tr specificat­ions:in each of first 2 sts, Annie’s Logo Purple: 2 tr in Pantone:CMYK: lastC82, 268C, M100, GOE st,K12 Medium turn.Purple U (5 tr) RGB: R82, G43, B133 Hexadecima­l: 522b85 Row 4: Annie’s RepLogo Gray: row 2. Pantone: Cool Gray 9 U CMYK: 60K RGB: R130, G131, B134 Row 5: Hexadecima­l: Ch 828386 4, tr in first st, [tr in next st, 2 tr in next st] twice, turn. (8 tr) Row 6: Rep row 2. Row 7: Ch 4, tr in first st and in each st across to last st, 2 tr in last st, turn. (10 tr) Row 8: Rep row 2. Row 9: Ch 4, tr in each of first 3 sts, 2 tr in next st, tr in next st, 2 tr in next st, tr in each of next 3 sts, 2 tr in last st, turn. (14 tr) Row 10: Rep Row 2. (14 sc)

Rows 11–14: [Rep rows 7 and 8 alternatel­y] twice. (18 sts at end of last row) Row 15: Ch 4, sk first st, tr in each rem st across, turn. Row 16: Rep row 2. Rows 17–22: [Rep rows 7 and 8 alternatel­y] 3 times. (24 sts at end of last row) Rows 23 & 24: Rep rows 15 and 16. Rows 25 & 26: Rep rows 7 and 8. (26 sts at end of last row) Rows 27–54: [Rep rows 15 and 16 alternatel­y] 14 times. Row 55: Beg tr dec (see Special Stitches), tr in each st across to last 2 sts, tr dec (see Stitch Guide) in last 2 sts, turn. (24 tr) Row 56: Rep row 2. Row 57: Rep row 15. Row 58: Rep row 2. Rows 59–64: [Rep rows 55 and 56 alternatel­y] 3 times. (18 sts at end of last row) Rows 65 & 66: Rep rows 57 and 58. Rows 67–70: [Rep rows 55 and 56 alternatel­y] twice. (14 sts at end of last row)

Row 71: Beg tr dec, [tr in each of next 2 sts, tr dec in next 2 sts] 3 times. (10 tr) Row 72: Rep row 2. Rows 73 & 74: Rep rows 55 and 56. (8 sts at end of last row) Row 75: Beg tr dec, [tr in next st, tr dec in next 2 sts] twice. (5 tr) Row 76: Rep row 2. Rows 77 & 78: Rep rows 55 and 56. (3 sts at end of last row) Row 79: Beg tr dec, tr in last st, do not turn. (2 tr)


Rnd 1 (RS): Now working in rnds, working in ends of rows, [3 hdc in each tr row, hdc in each sc row] across first side, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in opposite side of foundation ch, (ch 4, sc) in each sc row across 2nd side, ch 4, (hdc, ch 2, hdc) in beg tr dec,

join (see Pattern Notes) in first hdc. (163 hdc, 78 sc, 2 ch-2 sps, 79 ch-4 sps) Rnd 2: Sc in each hdc around to next ch-2 sp, (sc, hdc, ch 2, hdc, sc) in next ch-2 sp, (sl st, ch 1, sc, hdc, dc, ch 4, sl st) in each ch-4 sp, (sc, hdc, ch 1, hdc, sc) in last ch-2 sp, join in first sc. Fasten off.


Getting started: Place marker in same st as join, [sk next 7 sc, place marker in next sc] 4 times.

Row 5: Ch 5, [dc in next dc, ch 2] twice, V-st in next dc, [cl V-st in next ch-2 sp*, dc in next dc] 4 times, ending last rep at *, V-st in next dc, (ch 2, dc) in each of next 2 dc, ch 2, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-5, turn. (2 V-sts, 9 dc, 4 cl V-sts, 12 ch-2 sps)

Row 6: Ch 5, dc in next dc, (ch 2, dc) in each of next 2 dc, ch 2, V-st in next dc, [cl V-st in next ch-2 sp*, dc in next dc] 4 times, ending last rep at *, V-st in next dc, (ch 2, dc) in each of next 3 dc, ch 2, dc in 3rd ch of beg ch-5, turn. (2 V-sts, 11 dc, 4 cl V-sts, 14 ch-2 sps)

Row 7: Ch 1, sl st in first dc, [sl st in next ch-2 sp, sl st in next dc] 4 times, sl st in next ch-2 sp, beg V-st in next dc, [cl V-st in next ch-2 sp*, dc in next dc] 4 times, ending last rep at *, V-st in next dc, leave rem sts unworked, turn. (2 V-sts, 3 dc, 4 cl V-sts, 6 ch-2 sps) Rep rows 3–7 until piece measures 60 inches or desired length. Fasten off. Block, pinning out points.

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