Crochet World

Cross-Stitch Neck Warmer


Row 38: Rep row 3. Row 39: Ch 1, hdc in each st across, turn.

Row 40: Ch 1, working in back lps only, hdc in each st across, change color to fuchsia in last st, turn. Row 41: Rep row 3. Row 42: Ch 1, hdc in each st across, change color to dewberry in last st, turn. Rows 43 & 44: Rep rows 2 and 3.

Row 45: Ch 1, hdc in each dtr across, change color to fuchsia in last st, turn.

Row 46: Ch 1, dc in each st across, turn.

Row 47: Ch 2, dc in first st, *fpdc around each of next 3 dc**, bpdc around each of next 3 dc, rep from * across, ending last rep at **, bpdc around each of next 2 dc, dc in last dc, turn. (18 fpdc, 17 bpdc, 2 dc) Row 48: Ch 2, dc in first st, fpdc around each of next 2 dc, *bpdc around each of next 3 dc**, fpdc around each of next 3 dc, rep from * across, ending last rep at **, dc in last st, turn. (18 bpdc, 17 fpdc, 2 dc) Row 49: Ch 2, dc in first st, *bpdc around each of next 3 dc**, fpdc around each of next 3 dc, rep from * across, ending last rep at **, fpdc around each of next 2 dc, dc in last st, turn. (18 fpdc, 17 bpdc, 2 dc) Rows 50 & 51: Rep rows 47 and 48. Row 52: Ch 1, hdc in each st across, turn. (37 hdc) Rows 53–55: Ch 1, working in back lps only, hdc in each st across, turn. Row 56: Ch 1, working in back lps only, hdc in each st across to last 2 sts, hdc dec

(see Stitch Guide) in last 2 hdc, change color to dewberry in last st, turn. (36 hdc)

Row 57: Ch 2, *sk next 3 sts, 3 tr in next st, ch 3, working in front of sts just made, 3 tr in 2nd sk st, sk next st, dc in next st, rep from * across, turn. (36 tr, 6 dc) Row 58: Rep row 15. Row 59: Ch 2, sk first st, *sk next 3 tr and dc, 3 tr in center tr of next 3-tr group, ch 3, working in front of sts just made, 3 tr in center tr of last 3 sk tr**, dc in next ch-3 sp, rep from * across, ending last rep at **, dc in top of beg ch-2, change color to fuchsia in last st, turn. (36 tr, 6 dc) Rows 60 & 61: Rep rows 58 and 59. Row 62: Rep row 15, changing color to dewberry in last st.

Rows 63–65: Rep rows 16–18. Row 66: Ch 1, working in back lps only, hdc in each st across to last st, 2 hdc in last st, turn. (37 hdc) Row 67: Rep row 3. Row 68: Ch 1, hdc in each dtr across, change color to fuchsia in last dtr, turn. (37 hdc) Row 69: Ch 1, working in back lps only, hdc in each st across, turn. Row 70: Rep row 3. Row 71: Ch 1, hdc in each dtr across, change color to dewberry in last dtr, turn. (37 hdc) Row 72: Rep row 69. Row 73: Rep row 3. Row 74: Ch 1, hdc in each dtr across, change color to fuchsia in last dtr, turn. (37 hdc)

Row 75: Rep row 69.

Row 76: Rep row 3. Row 77: Ch 1, hdc in each dtr across, change color to dewberry in last dtr, do not turn. (37 hdc) TRIM Rnd 1: Ch 1 (counts as ch sp), 2 sc in last hdc of row 77, *work 112 sc evenly across long edge to next corner, (ch 1, 2 sc) in corner*, working in unworked lps of foundation ch, 37 sc across short edge to next corner, (ch 1, 2 sc) in corner, rep between *, sc in each rem st around including first st worked in, join (see

Pattern Notes) in beg ch-1 sp. (306 sc, 4 ch-1 sps)

Rnd 2: Ch 5, *sc in first st, [sc in each of next 5 sc, ch 5, sk next sc] around to 5 sts before next ch-1 sp, sc in each of next 5 sts, ch 5, sl st in ch-1 sp, sc in each of next 2 sc, [sc in each of next 5 sc, ch 5, sk next sc] 5 times, sc in each of next 7 sc*, ch 5, sl st in next ch-1 sp, rep between * once, join in first ch. (50 ch-5 lps)

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, working (8 sc, sl st in first sc made) in each ch-5 lp, join in beg ch-1, fasten off. (660 sc)


Sew buttons onto row 4 over the sps after the first, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th cdtr sts. Buttons fasten in sps between cdtr sts on opposite side.

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