Crochet World

From the Heart Lapghan

- Design by Carrie Carpenter


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-3 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Row 1 (WS): With pink, ch 131, dc in 4th ch from hook (sk chs

count as first dc), dc in next ch, *ch 3, sk next 3 chs, dc in each of next 5 chs; rep from * across, ending with dc in each of last 3 chs, turn. (81 dc, 16 ch-3 sps, 16 groups of 3 foundation chs) Row 2 (RS): Ch 3 (see Pattern

Notes), dc in each of next 2 dc, *working over next ch-3 sp, 3 dc in center ch of next 3-ch foundation group**, dc in each of next 5 dc; rep from * across, ending last rep at **, dc in each of last 3 sts, turn. (129 dc)

Row 3: Ch 3, dc in each of next 6 dc, *ch 3, sk next 3 dc, dc in each of next 5 dc; rep from * across, ending with dc in each of last 2 sts, turn. (84 dc, 15 ch-3 sps)

Row 4: Ch 3, dc in each of next 6 dc, *working over next ch-3 sp, 3 dc in center sk dc 2 rows below, dc in each of next 5 dc; rep from * across, dc in each of last 2 sts, turn. (129 dc)

Row 5: Ch 3, dc in each of next 2 dc, *ch 3, sk next 3 dc**, dc in each of next 5 dc; rep from *, ending last rep at **, dc in each of last 3 sts, turn. (81 dc, 16 ch-3 sps)

Row 6: Ch 3, dc in each of next 2 dc, *working over next ch-3 sp, 3 dc in center sk dc 2 rows below**, dc in each of next 5 dc; rep from * across, ending last rep at **, dc in each of last 3 sts, turn. (129 dc) Rep rows 3–6 for pattern until Lapghan is 36 inches long or desired size, ending on row 4. Do not fasten off.


Ch 1, 3 sc in corner st, sc evenly sp down edge, 3 sc in corner, sc in each ch across opposite side of foundation ch, 3 sc in corner ch, sc evenly sp up side edge, 3 sc in corner, sc in each st across top edge, join (see Pattern Notes) in beg sc. Fasten off.


Row 1 (WS): With pink, ch 40, 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each ch across to last ch, 2 sc in last ch, turn. (41 sc)

Row 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in first st, sc in each sc across to last st, 2 sc in last st, turn. (43 sc)

Rows 3 & 4: Rep row 2. At end of row 4, leaving a long tail for sewing, fasten off. (47 sc)

Edging rnd: With RS facing, join white in row 4, sl st in each sc across, in end of each row, and in opposite side of foundation ch, join in first sl st. Fasten off.


Fold Ribbon by overlappin­g 1 end over other as pictured. Position Ribbon on bottom right corner of Lapghan, approximat­ely 2 inches from bottom and 2 inches from right edge; sew Ribbon to Lapghan.

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