Crochet World

Reversible Cable Blocks

- Designs by Lori Zeller


Beginning in row 3, front post double crochet stitches are worked around posts of stitches 2 rows below to create cable pattern. Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


Crossed front post double crochet (crossed fpdc): Sk next fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc, working in front of fpdc just made, fpdc around sk fpdc. Single crochet join (sc join): Place slip knot on hook, insert hook in indicated st, yo and pull up a lp, yo and draw through both lps on hook.


Row 1: With bone, ch 25, sc in

2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch, turn. (24 sc)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [ fpdc (see Stitch Guide) around post of next 4 sc, sc in next 4 sc] twice, fpdc around next 4 sc, sc in last 2 sc, turn. (12 fpdc, 12 sc)

Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [fpdc around next 4 sc of row 1, sc in next 4 sc] twice, fpdc around next 4 sc of row 1, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 4 & 5: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [(fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc— see Special Stitches, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc] twice, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 6 & 7: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc] twice, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Row 8: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 3 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next sc and fpdc behind work, sc in next 2 fpdc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next fpdc and next sc behind work, sc in next 3 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Row 9: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 3 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sc behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in

next 3 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn. Rows 10 & 11: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 4 sts behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn. Rows 12 & 13: Rep row 9. Rows 14 & 15: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sts, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 4 sts behind work, sc in next 4 sts, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 16 & 17: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 18 & 19: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sts, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 20 & 21: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 22 & 23: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc

2 rows below, sc in next 3 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sc behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 3 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 24 & 25: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next fpdc behind work, sc in next 2 sc, sc in next fpdc behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 26 & 27: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 3 sc,

Soft, cushy and crocheted in a reversible cable pattern, these blocks are sized perfectly for Warm Up America! afghans.

fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sc behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 3 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn. Rows 28 & 29: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 4 sts behind work, sc in next 4 sts, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 30 & 31: Rep row 6. Rows 32–49: Rep rows 4–21. Rnd 50: Now working in rnds, ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [sc through both layers of next 4 cable sts, sc in next 4 sc] twice, sc through both layers of next 4 cable sts, sc in last 2 sc, ch 2, {sc in end of same row, sc in next end of next 3 rows, [sk next row, sc in end of next row] 21 times, sc in end of last 3 rows, ch 2}, working in opposite side of foundation ch, sc in each ch across, ch 2, rep between { }, join (see Pattern

Notes) in first sc, end off. (104 sc, 4 ch-2 sps) Rnd 51: Sc join (see Special

Stitches) off-white in any ch-2 sp, ch 2, sc in same sp, [sc in each sc to next ch-2 sp, (sc, ch 2, sc) in ch-2 sp] 3 times, sc in each rem sc, join in first sc, end off.


Rows 1–3: Work as for Column Cables. (12 fpdc, 12 sc)

Rows 4 & 5: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next st behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next

2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sc] twice, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next st behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn. Rows 6 & 7: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next sc and next st behind work, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 4 sts behind work, sc in next 4 sts, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 4 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sts, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 8 & 9: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 2 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 10 & 11: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in next 2 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn. Rows 12 & 13: Rep row 8. Rows 14 & 15: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sts behind work, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next 2 sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next

2 sts, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 2 sts behind work, sc in next sc, fpdc around next 2 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Row 16: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 4 sts behind work, sc in next st behind work, sc in next 2 sc, sc in next st behind work] twice, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn. Rows 17–19: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sk next 4 sts behind work, sc in next 4 sc] twice, fpdc around next 4 fpdc 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn. Rows 20 & 21: Ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, [(fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in next 4 sc] twice, (fpdc around next fpdc, crossed fpdc, fpdc around next fpdc) 2 rows below, sc in last 2 sc, turn.

Rows 22 & 23: Rep row 17. Rows 24–43: Rep rows 4–23. Rows 44–49: Rep rows 4–9. Rnd 50: Now working in rnds, ch 1, sc in first 2 sc, sc through both layers of next 2 cable sts, sc in next 2 sc, sc through both layers of next 4 cable sts, sc in next 4 sc, sc through both layers of next 4 cable sts, sc in next 2 sc, sc through both layers of next 2 cable sts, sc in last 2 sc, ch 2, {sc in end of same row, sc in next end of next 3 rows, [sk next row, sc in end of next row] 21 times, sc in end of last 3 rows, ch 2}, working in opposite side of foundation ch, sc in each ch across, ch 2, rep between { }, join in first sc, fasten off. (104 sc, 4 ch-2 sps) Rnd 51: Work rnd 51 of Column Cables. CW

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