Crochet World

Shamrock Baby Blanket

- Design by Kristen Stoltzfus Clay


Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated. Colors are carried up side edge of Blanket and change every 2 rows; do not fasten off unless otherwise indicated.


Shell: (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc) in indicated st or sp. Half shell: 3 dc in indicated st or sp.


Row 1 (RS): With shamrock, ch 110 [152, 194], sc in 2nd ch

from hook, [sk next 2 chs, shell

(see Special Stitches) in next ch, sk next 2 chs, sc in next ch] across, do not turn, draw up a lp and remove hook. (18 [25, 32] shells) Row 2: Join (see Pattern Notes) white in first sc, ch 1, sc in sc, ch 3, [sc in ch-1 sp of shell, ch 3, sc in next sc] across, draw up a lp and remove hook.

Row 3: Pick up dropped lp of shamrock, turn, ch 3 (to bring yarn to working level), half shell (see Special Stitches) in first sc, sc in next sc, [shell in next sc, sc in next sc] across, half shell in last sc, do not turn, draw up a lp and remove hook. (17 [24, 31] shells, 2 half shells) Row 4: Pick up dropped lp of white, ch 2 (to bring yarn to

working level), sc in first st of half shell, [ch 3, sc in next sc, ch 3, sc in ch-1 sp of shell] across, ending with sc in last st of half shell, draw up a lp and remove hook.

Row 5: Pick up dropped lp of shamrock, turn, ch 1, sc in first sc, [shell in next sc, sc in next sc] across, do not turn, draw up a lp and remove hook.

Row 6: Pick up dropped lp of white, ch 2, sc in first sc, [ch 3, sc in ch-1 sp of shell, ch 3, sc in next sc] across, do not turn, draw up a lp and remove hook.

Rows 7–9: Rep rows 3–5. Fasten off shamrock.

Row 10: Pick up dropped lp of white, ch 3, half shell in sc, sc in ch-1 sp of shell, [shell in sc, sc in ch-1 sp of shell] across, working half shell in last sc, turn.

Row 11: Ch 1, sc in first st of half shell, shell in sc, [sc in ch-1 sp of shell, shell in sc] across, sc in last st of last half shell, turn.

Row 12: Ch 3, half shell in sc, sc in ch-1 sp of shell, [shell in sc, sc in ch-1 sp of shell] across, work half shell in last sc. Fasten off white.

Row 13: With RS facing, join shamrock in first st of half shell, ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch-1, [shell in next sc, sc in ch-1 sp of next shell] across, ending with sc in last st of half shell, do not turn, draw up a lp and remove hook. Rep rows 2–13 consecutiv­ely 6 [8, 11] times. Rep rows 2–9. At the end of row 9, fasten off white, do not fasten off shamrock, turn. Last row: Ch 1, hdc in sc, [hdc in first st of shell, sc in next 2 sts of shell, sk next st of shell, sc in next 2 sts of shell, hdc in last st of shell, hdc in next sc] across, do not fasten off, turn.


Rnd 1: Ch 1, work 107 [149, 191] sc evenly on each short side and 119 [161, 203] sc evenly on each long side, working ch 1 at each corner, join in first sc. (452 [620, 788] sc, 4 ch-1 sps)

Rnd 2: Sl st backward in last ch-1 corner sp, *sk next 2 sts, in next st work [(hdc, tr, hdc, ch 1) twice, (hdc, tr, hdc) in same st], sk next 2 sts, sl st in next st, rep from * around working in corner ch-1 sps as you come to them, joining last sl st in same st as first sl st. (76 [104, 132] scallops)

Rnd 3: *[Ch 1, (sc, hdc, sc) in next tr, ch 1, sl st in ch-1 sp] twice, [ch 1, (sc, hdc, sc) in next tr, ch 1, sl st in next sl st] rep from * around, joining last sl st in same st as first sl st. Fasten off.

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