Crochet World

Celebratio­n Plaid Afghan

- Design by Brenda Bourg


52 inches wide x 60 inches long, including Fringe


• Red Heart Super Saver medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (7 oz/ 364 yds/198g per skein): 2 skeins each #885 Delft blue (A), #3862 jade (C), #358 lavender (E), #774 light raspberry (F) and #320 cornmeal (G) 1 skein each #259 flamingo (B) and #341 light grey (D)

• Size I/9/5.5mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge

• Tapestry needle

• 10-inch-long piece of heavy cardboard for Fringe


7 dc and 6 ch-1 sps = 4 inches; 15 rows = 4 inches


This afghan uses the date of May 28, 1986 to create the plaid design. Afghan can be made as is, or learn how to customize the date by reading the tutorial article on page 48. Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Chain-4 at beginning of row counts as first double crochet and chain-1 unless otherwise stated. Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.


With A, ch 160. Row 1: Dc in 4th ch from hook (beg sk chs do not count as a st), sk next ch, *ch 1, dc in next ch, rep from * across, turn. (79 dc, 78 chs) Rows 2–5: Ch 4 (see Pattern Notes), sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off A and join (see Pattern Notes) B.

Rows 6 & 7: Ch 4, sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off B and join C.

Rows 8–15: Ch 4, sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off C and join D.

Row 16: Ch 4, sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off D and join E.

Rows 17–25: Ch 4, sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off E and join F.

Rows 26–33: Ch 4, sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off F and join G.

Rows 34–39: Ch 4, sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off G and join A.

Rows 40–44: Ch 4, sk first ch-1, dc in next dc, *sk next ch-1, ch 1, dc in next dc, rep from * across, turn. Fasten off A and join B.

Rows 45–79: Continuing in pattern, rep rows 6–39. At end of last row, fasten off and weave in ends.


Cut 80-inch strands of yarn to weave through Mesh Base as follows: 40 with A, 16 with B, 64 with C, 8 with D, 72 with E, 64 with F and 48 with G. Weave 4 strands A in top corner of same color. Work under and

over through the first vertical column to the bottom of Afghan. Gently pull strands until you have approximat­ely 9 inches of Fringe on each end. Beg next column by working over, then

under vertical columns. Rep weaving sequences across, working the same color sequences as was worked in Mesh Base rows 2–79.


Lay Afghan on flat surface. If any ruffling is present, gently pull Fringe until work lays flat. To finish Fringe, wrap cardboard with each color as follows: 60 wraps with A, 24 wraps with B, 96 wraps with C, 12 wraps with D, 108 wraps with E, 96 wraps with F and 72 wraps with G. After each color is wrapped, cut through 1 end of cardboard so each strand measures 20 inches. Hold 3 strands of correspond­ing color tog and thread evenly through last ch-1 sp in end of each column. Gather all ends from the same column tog and knot. Pull gently to tighten. Trim all Fringe to even length. Block as desired.

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