Crochet World

Cool Kids Hoodie

- Design by Lena Skvagerson for Annie's Signature Designs


Instructio­ns given fit child size 1 year; changes for 2 years and 4 years are in [ ]. Where only one number is given, it applies to all sizes.


Chest Circumfere­nce: 21 inches (1 year) [24 inches (2 years), 26 inches (4 years)]

Length: 11 inches (1 year) [12 inches (2 years), 13 inches (4 years)]


• Scheepjes Sunkissed super fine (fingering) weight cotton yarn

(13/4 oz/186 yds/50g per ball):

3 [4, 5] balls #05 seaside • Scheepjes Organicon super fine (fingering) weight cotton yarn (13/4 oz/186 yds/50g per ball):

1 ball #213 sapling

• Size E/4/3.5mm crochet hook or

size needed to obtain gauge • Tapestry needle


23 sc/dc = 4 inches; 17 rows in stitch pattern = 4 inches

Take time to check gauge.


Piece is worked top down.

Weave in loose ends as work progresses.

Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.

Chain-2 at beginning of row/ round counts as first half double crochet unless otherwise stated.

Chain-3 at beginning of row/ round counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated.


Row 1 (WS): With seaside, ch 71 [75, 79], sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch across, turn. (70 [74, 78] sc)

Row 2 (RS): Ch 3 (see Pattern

Notes), dc in each of next 7 [8, 9] sc (left front), (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next sc, dc in each of next 14 sc (left sleeve), (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next sc, dc in each of next 22 [24, 26] sc (back), (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next sc, dc in each of next 14 sc (right sleeve), (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next sc, dc in each rem 8 [9, 10] sc (right front), turn. (82 [86, 90] dc, 4 ch-2 sps)

Row 3: Ch 1, [sc in each dc across to next ch-2 sp, ch 2, sk ch-2 sp] 4 times, sc in each rem dc, ending with sc in top of beg ch-3, turn.

Row 4: Ch 3, dc in next sc, [dc in each rem sc across to next ch-2 sp, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch-2 sp] 4 times, dc in each rem sc across, turn. (98 [102, 106] dc)

Rows 5–14 [5–16, 5–18]: [Rep rows 3 and 4] 5 [6, 7] more times. (178 [198, 218] dc after last row)

Row 15 [17, 19]: Rep row 3. Row 16 [18, 20]: Ch 3, dc in next sc, [dc in each rem sc across to next ch-2 sp, 4 dc in ch-2 sp] 4 times, dc in each rem sc, turn. (194 [214, 234] dc)


Next rnd (WS): Ch 1, sc in each of first 24 [27, 30] dc (right

front), ch 6 [8, 8], sk next 46 [50, 54] dc (right sleeve), sc in each of next 54 [60, 66] dc (back), sk next 46 [50, 54] dc (left sleeve), ch 6 [8, 8], sc in each of last 24 [27, 30] dc (left front), ch 6, join

(see Pattern Notes) in first sc, turn. (102 [114, 126] sc, 2 sets of 6 [8, 8] chs, 6 chs at center front)

Fasten off.


With RS facing, join seaside in 3rd [4th, 4th] ch at left armhole.

Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 3, dc in each of next 3 [4, 4] chs, dc in each sc across back to right armhole, dc in each of next 6 [8, 8] chs, dc in each of next 24 [27, 30] sc, dc in each of 6 chs at center front, dc in each of rem 24 [27, 30] sc before left armhole, dc in each of next 2 [3, 3] chs, join in top of beg ch-3, turn. (120 [136, 148] dc) Rnd 2 (WS): Ch 1, sc in each dc around, join in beg sc, turn. Rnd 3 (RS): Ch 3, dc in each rem sc around, join in top of beg ch-3, turn.

[Rep rows 2 and 3] until piece measures approximat­ely 7 [71/2, 8] inches from armholes, ending with a WS (sc) rnd.


Change (see Stitch Guide) to sapling and fasten off seaside. Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 3, dc in each rem sc around, join in top of beg ch-3. Rnd 2: Ch 1, reverse sc (see Stitch Guide) in each st around, join in beg sc. Fasten off.


With WS facing, join seaside in underside of 4th [5th, 5th] ch at bottom of armhole.

Rnd 1 (WS): Ch 1, sc in same ch as join, sc in each of next 2 [3, 3] chs, sc in each of 46 [50, 54] dc around armhole, sc in each of next 3 [4, 4] chs, join in beg sc, turn. (52 [58, 62] sc) Rnd 2 (RS): Ch 3, dc in each rem sc around, join in top of beg ch-3, turn.

Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in each dc around, join in beg sc, turn.

Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc dec (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 sc, dc around to last 2 sc, dc dec in last 2 sc, join in top of beg ch-3, turn. (50 [56, 60] dc) [Rep rnds 3 and 4] 1 [1, 2] more time(s). (48 [54, 56] dc)

Fasten off.

Rep on opposite side.


Rnd 1 (RS): Join sapling in top of beg ch-3, ch 3, dc in next and each rem dc around, join in top of beg ch-3. Rnd 2: Ch 2 (see Pattern Notes), hdc dec (see Stitch Guide) in next 2 dc, * fpdc (see

Stitch Guide) around next dc, hdc in next dc; rep from * to last 3 dc, fpdc around next dc, hdc dec in last 2 dc, join in top of beg ch-2. (46 [52, 54] sts)

Rnd 3: Ch 2, hdc in next hdc, *fpdc around next dc, hdc in next hdc; rep from * around, join in top of beg ch-2.

Rnd 4: Ch 2, sk next hdc, *fpdc around next dc, hdc in next hdc; rep from * to last 2 sts, fpdc

around next dc, sk last hdc, join in top of beg ch-2. (44 [50, 52] sts)

Rnd 5: Ch 2, *fpdc around next dc, hdc in next hdc; rep from * around to last st, fpdc around last dc, join in top of beg ch-2.

Rnd 6: Ch 2, sk next dc, *hdc in next hdc, fpdc around next dc; rep from * to last 2 sts, hdc in next hdc, sk last dc, join in top of beg ch-2. (42 [48, 50] sts)

Rnd 7: Rep rnd 3.

Rnd 8: Ch 2, sk next hdc, *fpdc around next dc, bpdc (see Stitch

Guide) around next hdc; rep from * to last 2 sts, fpdc around next dc, sk last hdc, join in top of beg ch-2. (40 [46, 48] sts)

Rnd 9: Ch 1, reverse sc in each st around, join in first sc. Fasten off.

Rep on opposite sleeve.


Row 1 (RS): Join seaside in first ch at top of right front at neck opening, ch 3, dc in same ch as join, dc in each of next 68 [72, 76] chs, 2 dc in last ch, turn. (72 [76, 80] dc) Row 2 (WS): Ch 1, sc in each dc across, ending with a sc in top of ch-3, turn.

Row 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in next sc, dc in each sc across to last sc, 2 dc in last sc, turn. (74 [78, 82] dc)

Rows 4 & 5: Rep rows 2 and 3. (76 [80, 84] dc)

Row 6: Rep row 2.

Row 7: Ch 3, dc in next and each rem sc across, turn.

Rep rows 6 and 7 until hood measures approximat­ely 81/2 [9, 91/2] inches from beg. Do not fasten off.

Fold hood at top, RS tog, and from WS work a row of sc through both layers to seam. Fasten off.

Hood Edging

Start working first row at bottom of front split, join sapling in the first st after the 6 chs.

Row 1 (RS): Ch 3, work approximat­ely 140 [152, 164] dc evenly up around the edge of hood down to bottom of split ending with last st in corner before 6 chs mid-front, turn. (141 [153, 165] dc) Row 2: Ch 2, *bpdc around next dc, hdc in next dc; rep from * across, turn.

Row 3: Ch 2, *fpdc around next dc, bpdc around next hdc; rep from * to last 2 sts, fpdc around next dc, hdc in top of ch-2. Do not turn.

Row 4: Ch 1, reverse sc in each st across. Fasten off.


Lay the hood edges slightly overlappin­g mid-front and sew to bottom of split by sewing through all layers.


Row 1 (RS): With seaside, ch 23, dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. (21 dc)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each dc across, turn.

Row 3: Ch 3, dc in each sc across, turn.

[Rep rows 2 and 3] until piece measures approximat­ely 31/2 [31/2, 4] inches, ending with a dc row.

Next row (WS): Change to sapling, ch 3, dc in each dc across, ending with a dc in top of ch-3, turn.

Rib Edges

Row 1 (RS): Ch 2, *fpdc around next dc, hdc in next dc; rep from * to last 2 sts, fpdc around next dc, hdc in top of ch-3, turn.

Row 2: Ch 2, *bpdc around next dc, hdc in next hdc; rep from * to last 2 sts, bpdc around next dc, hdc in top of ch-2, turn.

Row 3: Ch 2, *fpdc around next dc, bpdc around next hdc; rep from * to last 2 sts, fpdc around next dc, hdc in top of ch-2, do not turn.

Row 4: Ch 1, reverse sc in each st across. Fasten off.

Rep for other side as follows: with WS facing, join sapling in first ch in right corner under row 1, ch 3, dc in each rem ch across, turn. (21 dc)

Rep rows 1–4.


Sew pocket centered on front. Whipstitch along top and bottom edges leaving rib edges on each side open.

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