Custer County Chief

Custer County Chief

- Stephanie M. Wright,

Schmidt, and Myers. Nays: None. Motion carried. The motion to suspend the rules was adopted by three-fourths of the Council and the statutory rule was declared suspended for considerat­ion of said Ordinance. Said Ordinance was then read by title and thereafter Council member Holcomb moved for final passage of the Ordinance, which motion was seconded by Council member Schmidt. The Mayor stated the question, “Shall Ordinance No. 1235 be passed and adopted?” Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Schmidt, Myers, Miller, and Holcomb. Nays: None. Motion carried.

The passage and adoption of s aid Ordinance having been concurred by a majority of all members of the Council, the Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted.

Moved by Holcomb, seconded by Miller, to enter closed session at 6:21 pm for a strategy session with respect to collective bargaining, to include the Mayor and City Council, City Attorney Jason White, City Administra­tor Dan Knoell, City Clerk- Treasurer Stephanie Wright, Deputy Clerk Kandi Peters, and Electric Foreman Casey Flynn. Roll call vote: Voting aye: Holcomb, Miller, Myers, and

Schmidt. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Holcomb, seconded by Myers, to exit closed session at 6:38 pm from the purpose of a strategy session regarding collective bargaining. Roll call vote: Voting aye: Schmidt, Myers, Miller, and Holcomb. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Myers, seconded by Miller, to enter closed session at 6:39 pm for a strategy session with respect to collective bargaining, to include the Mayor and City Council, City Attorney Jason White, City Administra­tor Dan Knoell, City Clerk-Treasurer Stephanie

Wright, and Deputy Clerk Kandi Peters. Roll call vote: Voting aye: Holcomb, Miller, Myers, and Schmidt. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Myers, seconded by Holcomb, to exit closed session at 6:50 pm from the purpose of a strategy session regarding collective bargaining. Roll call vote: Voting aye: Schmidt, Myers, Miller, and Holcomb. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Holcomb, seconded by Miller, to enter closed session at 6: 51 pm to protect the public interest with a strategy session for litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communicat­ion of a claim to the public body, to include the Mayor and City Council, City Attorney Jason White, City Administra­tor Dan Knoell, City Clerk- Treasurer Stephanie Wright, and Deputy Clerk Kandi Peters. Roll call vote: Voting aye: Holcomb, Miller, Myers, and Schmidt. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Holcomb, seconded by Myers, to exit closed session at 6:54 pm from the purpose of protecting the public with a strategy session for litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communicat­ion of a claim to the public body. Roll call vote: Voting aye: Schmidt, Myers, Miller, and Holcomb. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Moved by Miller, seconded by Myers, to adjourn the City Council Meeting at 6: 55 p. m. Roll call vote: Voting aye: Schmidt, Myers, Miller, and Holcomb. Nays: None. Motion carried.

Rod Sonnichsen, Mayor


City Clerk

Pub: December 10, 2020 ZNEZ

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