Daily Breeze (Torrance)

Infidelity rocks teetering marriage

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DEAR ABBY >> My husband and I have been married for

25 years. He has recently started running around with his buddies and partying. He hardly has time for me anymore. I found out he had cheated on me, not once but several times, with different women. I was devastated, so I left for a while, but I decided to try to work things out.

During the time I was gone, I ended up cheating as well. I’m sorry for it, but I developed some very real feelings for someone. I haven’t seen him in two years, but I still feel myself wanting him and wanting to be with him. I love my husband, and we are working things out, but I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m in love with both of them. I still talk to the other person via text, but we don’t go any further.

DEAR DISTRESSED >> You may BE in love with both of them, but you made a commitment to work things out with your husband. If you are sincere about it, you will have to disengage fully from the man you cheated with and concentrat­e on your marriage. If you are not sure you can do that, marital counseling may help you decide what your next step should be. But a word of warning: The grass is not always greener once you have jumped the fence.

DEAR ABBY >> I was at a bar a few weekends ago and met a handsome stranger who seemed slightly familiar. His name sounded like I had heard it before. We talked for hours, and it felt like we had known each other forever. He walked me back to my apartment, and we shared a kiss on my doorstep. The next morning, I made a horrifying discovery: He’s my second cousin! We hadn’t seen each other in more than 20 years. When I gave him the news, he told me he still wanted to try for a relationsh­ip. I’m confused about what to do and how to feel. Please help.

DEAR COUSIN >> Marriage between second cousins is legal in every state. If you like this man, and it appears you do, let the relationsh­ip play out and see where it leads. If you are worried about possible genetic complicati­ons, they should be discussed with your physician (and his). Genetic testing should put your concerns to rest.

Contact Dear Abby at DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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