Daily Breeze (Torrance)

Recruiting nature in the war on pests


Vegalab (vegalab.com) is a company that has developed biopestici­des that highlight a select group of plant and fungal extracts for their pest control properties.

Biological control, where compounds from living organisms are utilized in pest control, is a rapidly expanding field. Vegalab has utilized a saponin found in Camellia sinensis — the same tropical plant whose leaves are used for making common tea — for slug control. This Chinese camellia species is not to be confused with the Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica), the camellia with enormous flowers that bloom each winter. However, the tea plant is also suitable for growing in Southern California, reaching a height of 15 feet with fragrant white flowers that bloom in the fall.

You can find tea plants, in addition to hundreds of varieties of ornamental camellias and several dozen other camellia species, at Nuccio's (nuccionurs­eries. com) in Altadena. The saponin in tea leaves belongs to a group of botanical compounds that confer resistance to certain insect pests, as well as immunity to bacterial and fungal diseases. Saponins have a soapy or emulsifyin­g property, meaning that they act as surfactant­s, sticking to leaf surfaces and thus minimizing the amount of product that needs to applied for slug, as well as ant, deterrence.

Another Vegalab biological control product utilizes the root of shrubby sophora (Sophora flavescens) to combat mites and larvae of all kinds. It has also shown effectiven­ess in controllin­g aphids, thrips, whiteflies and planthoppe­rs. The pagoda tree (Sophora japonica) is a related species that is grown ornamental­ly in our part of the world. It grows 25 feet tall and forms a perfectly symmetrica­l dome that casts enough shade to picnic under it on hot days. A leguminous pod-forming tree, its fragrant, yellowishw­hite flowers bloom abundantly in the summer.

Vegalab is using a byproduct of fungus metabolism to combat fungus — powdery mildew fungus, to be precise. Powdery mildew is the most common foliar fungal pest, which may appear as spotty, tactile white growth on virtually any plant when conditions for its proliferat­ion are present: leaf surfaces that stay moist for several hours in warm temperatur­es. Fungi that produce enzymes that break down cell walls are grown under controlled conditions, then these enzymes are isolated and sprayed on plants susceptibl­e to powdery mildew fungus. The enzymes break down the cell walls of the developing fungus before it can get a foothold and cause damage. A simi-* lar product is used for control of fungal spore germinatio­n and is derived from thyme, the popular culinary herb; even where the fungus is already establishe­d, this product can be effective in halting its spread.


With the heavy rains we experience­d this winter, mushrooms are being noticed in our gardens that have not been seen in years. Forays into the wild are also yielding large crops of edible mushrooms such as morels and chanterell­es that connoisseu­rs of these saprophyti­c treasures have not encountere­d in two decades. To learn more about our local mushrooms, you might want to attend a meeting of the Los Angeles Mycologica­l Society. This group meets the third Monday of each month from October through May (except February) at 7:30 p.m. in the Verdugo Room of the Sparr Heights Community Center, 1613 Glencoe Way, Glendale. A mushroom identifica­tion hour, starting at 6:30 p.m. before the monthly meeting, is an opportunit­y to determine the edibility of mushrooms you may have foraged, whether at home or on a hike.


Ellie Gardner is an African violet variety whose leaves are dappled with cream and pink markings. Its flowers have the appearance of miniature pink roses, and it blooms nonstop as long as ambient light is plentiful. There are numerous African violet varieties with variegated foliage, and you can find more than 100 of them, listed as sports, at africanvio­letsociety­ofamerica.org

Browsing the site, you will also discover everything you need to know about growing African violets. Buckeye Cranberry Sparkler, winner of the society's outstandin­g African violet of the year three years in a row, has green leaves with broad, creamcolor­ed margins topped by a large clutch of raspberry-colored flowers. Search “variegated African violets” for an adventure in unexpected and unpredicta­ble foliar design among the seemingly endless number of varieties of this most popular of all indoor flowering plants.

Please send questions, comments, and photos to joshua@perfectpla­nts. com. For more informatio­n about area plants and gardens, go to Joshua Siskin's website, thesmarter­gardener.com.

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