Daily Breeze (Torrance)

COVID `I told you so' columns from the Opinion section this past Sunday


Trump's speaks at rally in Ohio on auto industry

Re “Trump ramps up rhetoric during Ohio stump speech” (March 18):

You print a lot of articles from the Associated Press that are not accurate. The latest one is about Trump, supposedly saying if he wasn't elected, there would be a bloodbath. The Associated Press, NBC, ABC, NPR, Politico etc. have convenient­ly forgotten to mention he said he was referring to the automobile industry if plants were built in Mexico, and not here.

This is just another example of our media trying to leave out important informatio­n that the public should have. It was the same thing with there were “fine people on both sides” in Charlottes­ville except that they forgot to mention he said not the Nazis.

— Barbara Kimelman, Tarzana

California's healthcare system and single-pay

Re “Single-payer is dead in the Golden State”:

Thank you for the excellent editorial on single-payer.

All California­ns deserve affordable, comprehens­ive health care. But as the editorial pointed out, the cost for single-payer is prohibitiv­e and would ultimately fall on our taxpayers. There are certainly improvemen­ts in health care delivery that need to be made. Those should be addressed so that we can enjoy universal coverage for all California­ns, but single-payer is not the answer.

— Pat Stiffler, Eastvale

I didn't read any of the “I told you so” opinions Sunday,

March 17 about how unnecessar­y the lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates were.

It doesn't matter what the data showed about the impacts of these safety precaution­s.

What if these government mandates did save lives?

We didn't know how the safety precaution­s would impact the pandemic, but it is the government's job to keep us safe, and that's what our elected leaders attempted to do.

I'd much rather be safe than sorry about the loss of life at the risk of the loss of livelihood.

I'm very grateful that we didn't have to say “I told you so” to other states without the same level of precaution­s because their death rates were astronomic­al compared to ours.

Newsom did what he was hired to do — keep us safe.

— Fiona Carroll, Mission Viejo

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