Daily Camera (Boulder)

Time for action is now


There are millions of animals dying, dying because of us polluting the earth, causing an increase in global warming and climate change. We need to take a stand and help these poor creatures and our world.

According to scientists, carbon dioxide emissions would have to be on an extremely steep downward path by 2030 to hold the global temperatur­e increase to 2.7 °F. The world population is increasing and projected to have more than 2 billion more people on earth in 2050.

This means we need more trees to offset the increase in people to keep carbon emissions down. Scientists believe we would have to use farmland to plant trees instead of food or for livestock, which causes challenges for animals and the food supply.

Natural disasters, such as the California wildfires, will only get worse and more common as we continue to pollute the Earth. These fires happen because dry weather means more dead shrubs and grass.

“These dry plants create more fuel for more fire,” said Michel Vennetier, engineer at IRSTEA. These powerful storms happen not only on land, but also in the ocean.

As the Earth heats up, the water will too, providing storms more energy to destroy. These natural disasters will only worsen if we don’t do something about global warming.

How bad are things going to get if we do nothing? Some researcher­s believe 2020 might be the last year to tackle the climate change problem. There is concern that after the coronaviru­s pandemic, carbon dioxide emissions will sharply increase back to problemati­c levels.

I hope this will help you realize that climate change is serious. We must raise awareness. Consider driving electric cars and installing solar panels. This might take time, but is worth saving our world. There is no time to wait.

Let’s save our planet!



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