Daily Camera (Boulder)

Facing a Monday deadline, activists ask: Can volunteers still shape the state’s ballot?

- By Nick Coltrain ncoltrain@denverpost.com

Light sprinkles were falling on Washington Park on Wednesday afternoon, where Mary Cheever was on the prowl.

“Would you like to increase funding for teachers and schools?” she asked a pair of strangers, clipboard in hand.

“Would you sign a petition so we can vote on paying teachers more?” she asks another group of strangers. And so on, to another group of parkgoers, including a family stopped in a pedal-powered carriage.

Some weren’t Colorado voters; some said they already signed or weren’t interested; others stopped in their tracks to add their names to the petition.

Cheever, a volunteer with Great Education Colorado, described the interactio­ns as energizing, if never ending. Her group is seeking to put a measure on the November ballot to dedicate more money to education. But getting there means gathering 125,000 signatures — that’s enough voters to fill Coors Field two-and-a-half times over — by Monday.

“It’s been really easy to get signatures,” Cheever said between flagging down possible signees. “Really easy. But it’s not easy to get 125,000 of them.”

The struggle illustrate­s the gap in who can afford paid petition circulator­s and who relies on volunteers, she and other backers of the funding measure said. Colorado gives voters a direct say in what becomes law through its initiative process. But backers need to gather signatures equal to 5% of the votes cast in the most recent Secretary of State’s election to qualify.

It’s a time-consuming process and potentiall­y very expensive if a group chooses — and can afford — to hire petition gatherers. As of Thursday, the Secretary of State’s office lists two measures that backers have successful­ly petitioned onto the ballot. A third group submitted signatures for their measure Thursday, though they haven’t been verified yet. Each reported spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, or more, on political consultant­s and signature gathering.

In addition to the Great Education Colorado petition, nine others were approved by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office for circulatio­n. All face a Monday afternoon deadline to submit signatures to qualify for the November ballot.

Adam Dunstone, a partner at the progressiv­e political consulting firm Alpine Public Affairs, said he’s seen petition gathering costs top $2 million. Backers need to overshoot the minimum signatures to account for those that are void. They need to account for the conversati­ons that don’t bear ink. And they need to tally the sheer amount of time it takes to have those thousands and thousands of conversati­ons with Coloradans.

Even at 30 seconds per signature — by far an undercount of how long each takes — hitting that 125,000 mark necessary for the November ballot would take more than 43 days of uninterrup­ted petitionin­g.

“It’s all one giant math equation, essentiall­y,” Dunstone said of the cost. “(For statewide initiative­s) we’re going to put up four offices, we need to average putting out 100 circulator­s a day, and each circulator needs to be doing an average of X, and then there’s just doing the hard management side of that work.”

It should be a challenge to do something as weighty as change state law, he said. And while he’s seen volunteer-led efforts, like Great Education Colorado’s, land on the ballot, it takes “a tremendous amount of energy.”

“It’s incredibly hard, and I don’t think folks — campaigns and candidates and others, as it relates to ballot access — realize how hard it is until they try it themselves,” Dunstone said.

Great Education Colorado’s initiative would dedicate a portion of state revenue to education, without raising taxes to do so. The group was able to include its question on a poll last month that showed strong support for the concept. But it hasn’t been able to open any particular­ly deep wallets to help put the poll to the ballot test — creating a particular frustratio­n for the backers.

So far, the group has raised about $100,000 total. About a third of that has gone toward paid petition gatherers, according to finance reports.

Lisa Weil, executive director of Great Education Colorado, said they’ve primarily been relying on volunteers, like Cheever. Many work in education, and many have kids, making it hard to carve out petition time earlier in the year and now with other summer priorities. They report good outings, but “it’s an uphill climb” to reach the minimum signatures, she said.

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