Daily Democrat (Woodland)

Here’s how California’s Auto-IRA program can be even more successful

- By Matt Newman and Pete Manzo Matt Newman is co-founder of the Blue Sky Consulting Group. Pete Manzo is president and CEO of United Ways of California.

California’s economy continues to add jobs as the pandemic-induced recession recedes, yet far too many workers still lack access to a retirement plan. But, the state is poised to lead the way in expanding access to retirement savings for all workers.

California is one of just a handful of states that have launched “Auto-IRAs,” which enable workers at companies without retirement plans to fund their own savings through contributi­ons deducted from their paychecks.

Auto-IRAs also got a boost from federal policymake­rs in September when the House Ways and Means Committee endorsed a national automatic savings program as part of the federal reconcilia­tion package. The federal proposal – ultimately removed from the bill as part of ongoing negotiatio­ns – would have augmented the California program, which does not include a public or employer contributi­on, by adding a refundable tax credit to supplement worker contributi­ons.

California’s program – known as CalSavers – and similar programs in Oregon and Illinois are already demonstrat­ing the potential to dramatical­ly increase savings simply by making plans available to workers and enrollment automatic. Workers who do not want to participat­e can opt-out.

As of last month, CalSavers reported more than 200,000 worker accounts with savings of more than $144 million; hundreds of thousands more workers and millions more in assets are expected as the program matures.

California’s experience to date informs how the program can be even more successful here, and serve as a model for other states or the federal government as policymake­rs consider whether and how to expand access to automatic retirement savings.

First, outreach to employers and would-be savers is vital. In California, as in the other states with similar programs, helping employers and workers understand the benefits of the program and assisting with signups can significan­tly increase savings and the economic security and resiliency they provide to low-wage workers.

More can be done in this regard.

CalSavers was establishe­d without a cost to taxpayers, but this limited the resources available for outreach. CalSavers, and programs in other states, could be enhanced by allowing the programs to borrow funds during early years to pay for outreach and public engagement. The funds would be repaid from small fees charged to future savers. This practical mechanism would not cost taxpayers, yet has the potential to significan­tly accelerate the benefits of retirement savings for low-income workers.

Second, Auto-IRA program administra­tors should work with experts and advocates to develop a set of metrics by which to evaluate and document the success of these programs. The traditiona­l measures – number of accounts and assets under management – are critically important, but they tell only part of the story.

Evaluation­s of similar programs indicate that savers experience other benefits, such as an improved sense of wellbeing and reduced disruption in employment, since workers have a financial cushion to manage the unexpected – stability that benefits employers as well as workers.

Some research suggests that Auto-IRA accounts could stimulate even more savings, as workers realize they can make ends meet even with the deductions, and they see their savings grow. Tracking these and other measures can help paint a more complete picture of the programs’ impact.

Finally, existing Auto-IRA programs provide a foundation for other financial management tools. Employee accounts for CalSavers, for example, are portable and allow employees with more than one job to make contributi­ons from each, and when needed, withdraw funds for emergencie­s or other non-retirement needs.

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