Daily Democrat (Woodland)

We can't do it on our own!

- By Mike Umbenhaur

In March of 2014, I was bedridden for a few days.

I had assumed that I had the flu. My wife took me to my doctor and he admitted to the local hospital with a diagnosis of Type II diabetes, gallstones and dehydratio­n.

After one night, I was scheduled to have my gallbladde­r removed.

I won't go into all the details of my recovery (nobody wants to hear that!), but I will tell you that I was overwhelme­d with fear and anxiety regarding my diabetes diagnosis. There was so much informatio­n thrown at me and I felt that there was no way I could deal with this. Several “coaches” came into my room to tell me the horror stories of those who fail to monitor their diabetes. I was given a meal plan and exercise regimen that made the path to manage this a bit easier.

But it was one comment by a nurse that has stuck with me for the last 9 years: “You can't manage `this' by yourself…it is unsustaina­ble.”

For a while, I tried to sustain myself in my care and management of my disease. And at times, it seemed I could.

Then, I would go to the doctor, and clearly, I had not been able to do so. I had relapsed on my diet (eating as little as possible and then binging) and had reduced my exercise routine to just a few laps around the block. I was in need of a “sustaining” power and love beyond myself.

There are so many words in the bible, but for me, none have more meaning and importance than the word “sustain.” In Hebrew, there are a couple of words that are translated as “sustain”. But the one that speaks to me is “Kool” (yes, it's pronounced like that!).

In Psalm 55:22a, the writer says, “Cast your cares on the Lord, and he will sustain you…”. So many times I have bought into the lie that says, “I can pull myself up by my own bootstraps.” I have tried working harder, longer and with more passion (as if I can force myself to have more passion), and I have only created a more stressful, anxious and fearful life—which I can assure you, has a negative impact on my blood glucose reading!

Friends, we can't do “it” on our own—at least not for very long. We need something or Someone to help us to sustain us—as we live, love and breathe. It begins with us realizing our needs and the needs of others. Yes, to be “Kool” means we're sustained in the grace, mercy and strength of the Lord.

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