Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Iranian leader could hinder Israel


JERUSALEM (AP) — The surprising victory of a reformist candidate in Iran’s presidenti­al election has put Israel in a difficult position as it tries to halt the Iranian nuclear program: W i th Hasan Rowhani likely to enjoy an i nternation­al honeymoon, Israel could have a hard time rallying support for new sanctions — or possible military action — against its arch foe, even as it says the clock is ticking on Tehran’s march toward nuclear weapons.

The uncertaint­y facing Israel was evident Sunday in the reactions among its leaders, who welcomed the signs of change in Iran while also warning the world should not be fooled.

“Let us not delude ourselves. The internatio­nal community must not become caught up in wishful thinking and be tempted to relax the pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear program,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

Rowhani swept to a landslide victory in Friday’s election with a call for outreach and dialogue with the internatio­nal community. His predecesso­r, Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d, repeatedly clashed with the West over the nuclear issue, isolating the country and drawing several rounds of painful economic sanctions. Rowhani’s victory was widely seen as a show of discontent with Ahmadineja­d and Iran’s hardline clerical establishm­ent.

While Rowhani is considered a relative moderate and had the backing of Iranian reformists, the hardline supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei remains the ultimate authority on all state matters, including the nuclear program.

Israel, along with major Western countries, suspects that Iran is developing the infrastruc­ture that would allow it to make a nuclear bomb. Although Israel believes Iran has not reached weapons capability, Netanyahu has warned that Iran is inching perilously close to the “red lines” where the nuclear program could no longer be stopped.

Israeli leaders have welcomed the sanctions, which have fueled double digit unemployme­nt and inflation in Iran. But they say the economic pressure isn’t enough, and that military action cannot be ruled out. Netanyahu has called on the internatio­nal community to present a “credible” military threat to Iran, and hinted that Israel might even strike alone if it feels threatened.

Speaking to his Cabinet, Netanyahu noted that Khamenei had disqualifi­ed many more moderate candidates, and that Rowhani has made hostile comments about Israel. He also said that Khamenei still oversees nuclear policy.

“The more the pressure on Iran increases, the greater is the chance of stopping the Iranian nuclear program, which remains the greatest threat to world peace,” he said. “Iran will be judged by its actions. If it continues to insist on developing its nuclear program, the answer needs to be very clear — stopping the nuclear program by any means.”

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