Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Trump wrong about Obamacare enrollment­s, ‘wide open border’


WASHINGTON >> President Donald Trump said Friday that his predecesso­r’s health care law covers “very few people” as he minimized the impact of replacing it. That’s only true if you consider more than 20 million people to be very few.

He took another mysterious poke at Sweden, too, and decried open U.S. borders that are not.

Here’s a look at his statements at the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference on Friday.

TRUMP: “Obamacare covers very few people.”

THE FACTS: More than 20 million people are covered by the two major components of former President Barack Obama’s health care law: expanded Medicaid and subsidized private health insurance.

The Medicaid expansion, adopted by 31 states and Washington, D.C., covers about 11 million low-income people, according to the Congressio­nal Budget Office. The fate of the expansion is a major sticking point as Republican­s try to complete their repeal plan. Sixteen states with GOP governors have expanded their Medicaid programs.

The other, more visible, component is HealthCare. gov. The federal website and state-run online insurance markets have signed up 12.2 million people for this year, according to an Associated Press count earlier this month, based on federal and state reports.

This is lower than the 12.7 million who initially enrolled for 2016. But it is not dramatical­ly lower when considerin­g the problems the markets have had with rising premiums and dwindling insurer participat­ion, not to mention Trump’s vow to repeal the program.

Altogether, since Obama’s law passed in 2010, the number of uninsured people has dropped by about 20 million and the uninsured rate has declined below 9 percent, a historic low.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 48.6 million Americans were uninsured in 2010. Through the first nine months of last year, that figure was down to 28.2 million.

Although employers also added coverage as the economy recovered, experts say the vast majority of the coverage gains are due to Obama’s law.

However, the progress in reducing the number of uninsured people appears to have stalled. The 28.2 million uninsured last year, from January to September, is not statistica­lly different from the 28.6 million uninsured for all of 2015, according to the CDC.

TRUMP, repeating a week-old assertion that Sweden is an example of violence and extremism due to immigratio­n: “Take a look at what happened in Sweden. I love Sweden, great country, great people, I love Sweden. But they understand. The people over there understand I’m right.”

THE FACTS: Trump was ridiculed in Sweden after he warned at a rally in Florida that terrorism was growing in Europe and something terrible had happened in Sweden the previous night. But there had been no extraordin­ary trouble that night in Sweden, a country welcoming to immigrants.

Two days later, though, a riot broke out after police arrested a drug crime suspect. Cars were set on fire and shops looted, but no one was injured. Attacks in the country related to extremism remain rare; the biggest surprise for many Swedes was that a police officer found it necessary to fire his gun.

TRUMP: The U.S. is providing security to other nations “while leaving our own border wide open. Anybody can come in. But don’t worry, we’re getting a wall. ... We’re getting bad people out of this country.”

THE FACTS: His wideopen border claim is bogus. The number of arrests of illegal border crossers — the best measure of how many people are trying to cross illegally — remains at a 40-year low. The U.S. government under presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama roughly doubled the ranks of the Border Patrol in the last decade or so.

In addition, the number of people expelled from the country since Trump took office Jan. 20 has not been disclosed. No available data supports his claim, made Thursday, that immigrants in the country illegally are being expelled at a rate “nobody has ever seen before.” Deportatio­ns were brisk when Obama was president.

Altogether in January, 16,643 people were deported, a drop from December (20,395) but a number that is similar to monthly deportatio­ns in early 2015 and 2016.

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