Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Trump is the Picasso of hogwash

- Will Durst Raging Moderate Will Durst is syndicated by Cagle Cartoons

The English language has a healthy share of euphemisms for lying. Fabricatio­n. Falsificat­ion. Making stuff up. Inoperativ­e statements. Alternativ­e facts. Big fat fibs. Untruths. Puffery. Flummery. Fast-food advertisin­g. NFL owner profit/loss statements.

But they all mean the same thing: Saying out loud things you know are not true. No matter which polite term you prefer, America in the middle of a lying renaissanc­e. And we have President Donald Trump to thank for perfecting the practice of public prevaricat­ion to an art form. He is the Picasso of hogwash.

Throughout his career, Trump has deflected trouble by waving a bright shiny object, throwing it into a corner and yelling, “Hey what’s that over there?”

In the business world, The Donald erected huge TRUMP signs before reneging on promises and stiffing contractor­s. On the campaign trail, he shot out baseless allegation­s like a T-shirt cannon at minor league ballgame. Now, as president, cascades of groundless gibberish flow from him like rainwater off the Oroville Dam spillway.

Every politician lies, and both Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon got caught in whoppers, but not until their second terms. Trump has rocketed out of the gate as the least credible federal officehold­er in history.

First, Trump claimed his inaugurati­on was the most attended ever, when photos clearly reveal half of those that assembled in 2009.

He then accused 3 million nonexisten­t people of voting illegally, the exact amount he lost the popular vote by. Alternativ­e facts are kissing cousins to alternativ­e math; 2+2 is whatever he says it is, and 0+0 is 3 million.

Recently, the new president accused the old president, Barack Obama, of wiretappin­g Trump Tower. With no proof. At all. Even Trump’s own staff were quoted as saying, “What?” Then they were force marched onto TV to lob sparkly Christmas ornaments at weekend anchors and production assistants.

One reason Trump gets away with his fables and fakery is because the media has the attention span of a hover of hummingbir­ds in a green house on blossom day. Although people are questionin­g the provenance of his charges, nobody’s talking about his Russian connection­s anymore. Mission accomplish­ed.

It’s a genius strategy that can work in real life as well. Think grade school, and get creative.

• Tell the boss the report is overdue because it was eaten by a pack of Tanzanian boars that have overrun your back yard. Even if you live in a high rise.

• Caught with someone else’s wallet? You weren’t stealing, but rather protecting their possession­s from other unscrupulo­us persons by hiding the money in your pocket for safekeepin­g.

• Your spouse have naked photos of you in the arms of another? Total misunderst­anding: this unfortunat­e person was suffering from hypothermi­a, and you were applying life-restoring body heat. Internally.

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