Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

TV control

- Annie Lane

If I go to bed and watch TV, my husband insists I turn the TV off when he gets there. But he often puts on the TV if he goes to bed first, and when that happens, he immediatel­y falls asleep. I change the channel to my preference and leave the room for one or two hours. If I come back and get quietly in bed, as soon as he realizes I am watching TV, he is irritated. Is this a control thing? If I am not there, he can sleep for hours with the TV on. And I actually turn it down lower when I arrive. Help!

— TV in Bed

Numerous studies have shown that screen time before bed disrupts your sleep cycle, so the bedroom isn’t the best place for your television set. A TV in the bedroom can also negatively impact intimacy.

Why not keep it in the living room instead? Then you can watch your shows and your husband can sleep, all without interrupti­on.

“Saved by Sobriety” wonders why his wife cannot get past his 22 years of drunkennes­s. When you live in constant fear for that long, you don’t just let it go. It has become your new normal.

I remember when my husband and I were in the same boat. I wanted him to go to Alcoholics Anonymous, not just to stop drinking but also to go through the 12 steps. Theeighths­tepisto apologize to those you have harmed by drinking. I needed that apology to move forward. He could not just assume that everything was now hunky-dory because he stopped drinking. It hurts a spouse to her very core thinking that she ranks below the bottle. In this case, the wife may never feel No. 1 again.

Al-Anon helped me move past this when I reached the eighth step myself and apologized to the drinker for not looking at the positives in our life and only concentrat­ing on the hurt. Even though he never attended AA to give me what I felt I needed, my attending Al-Anon helped me move forward.

Thank God that now in our 60s, we are both in a good place and best friends — and more in love than ever. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes you have to be the first one to turn it on.

— I Am No. 1 Again

Numerous studies have shown that screen time before bed disrupts your sleep cycle, so the bedroom isn’t the best place for your television set. A TV in the bedroom can also negatively impact intimacy. Why not keep it in the living room instead? Then you can watch your shows and your husband can sleep, all without interrupti­on.

I loved reading your letter. It’s inspiring to hear from people who have taken it upon themselves to find peace.

For anyone who is bothered by a loved one’s drinking: Try Al-Anon meetings (http:///www.alanon.org).

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