Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Church-state separation is protection for all of us


Dear Editor: The July 5, 2017, piece by syndicated columnist Cal Thomas positively proved the importance of separation of church and state.

In the case of the Lutheran Church in Missouri, a court ruling approved public funds for a religious institutio­n on the grounds that denying those funds violates religious freedom. This, according to Thomas, was a win for President Donald Trump and to his own delight.

Why should the government provide monies for religious institutio­ns tat already have taxfree status? Religions have the right to their own beliefs and practices, but they are not content to contain those beliefs to their own lives and insist on imposing them on others.

Prayer in public schools, displaying the Ten Commandmen­ts on public grounds and using God’s name at nondenomin­ational meetings is inappropri­ate. Those actions deny others’ rights.

Thomas displays his bias by stating the decision to give public funds to a religious institutio­n opens the door for Muslims to request taxpayers’ dollars. In other words, public money to Christians is appropriat­e, but not for Muslims or other non-Christians. This country was founded on freedom for all religions, not favoring one over another.

Radical Muslims are a different issue, as are white supremacis­ts.

The United States is a secular nation, not under God, as Thomas would have all believe.

I’ll take separation of church and state and still be in good company. It is protection for all of us. Eileen D. Minogue Haines Falls

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