Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Busy agenda awaits Legislatur­e when it opens 2018 session


ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) » New York lawmakers will gavel in the 2018 legislativ­e session Wednesday. Here’s a look at some of the top issues expected this year:

New York City subways

The city’s aging subway system has been beset by chronic breakdowns and delays. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state lawmakers have pointed fingers at each other and floated different ideas for how to raise money for needed upgrades. Those ideas have included congestion pricing, which would impose added fees on motorists entering busy parts of the city, as well as a long-shot proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy.

Child sex abuse

A proposal to loosen the statute of limitation­s for child molestatio­n has failed repeatedly in Albany, but supporters are hoping national attention on sexual misconduct gives their cause fresh momentum. The bill would give victims more time to file civil lawsuits or seek criminal charges against abusers and create a one-year window for past victims to file civil suits. Victims now have until they turn 23 to sue.

Sexual misconduct

Cuomo says he will propose a comprehens­ive state policy for combating sexual harassment. Several lawmakers have already advanced their own ideas.

Budget deficit

The state is facing a projected deficit of $4 billion in next year’s state budget, which lawmakers hope to approve by April 1. That will force them to make some difficult decisions about spending priorities in the more than $150 billion spending plan.

Response to Washington

The federal tax overhaul, changes in federal health care spending, the rollback of environmen­tal protection­s and proposals to rein in immigratio­n will impact millions of New Yorkers. Cuomo and other Democrats will look for ways to push back.

Assisted suicide

Supporters of a proposal to allow terminally ill people to seek life-ending drugs from a doctor insist their proposal is gaining momentum, but top lawmakers still express concerns, and the Catholic Church and others remain steadfastl­y opposed.

Declawing cats

Another longshot bill would ban the declawing of cats, a practice that opponents say is cruel and unnecessar­y.

Election integrity

Russian attempts to influence the 2016 election have prompted proposals from Cuomo and lawmakers to require the disclosure of groups paying for online political ads.

Voting reforms

New York is now one of a minority of states that don’t allow early voting. Cuomo and lawmakers have advanced measures to authorize it and to make it easier to register to vote.


The upcoming trial of ex-Cuomo insider Joe Percoco is likely to once again prompt calls to clean up Albany’s pay-to-play culture, but so far lawmakers have favored only modest ethics reforms.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Members of the New York state Assembly meet in the Assembly Chamber at the New York State Capitol on the opening day of the legislativ­e session on Jan. 4, 2017, in Albany, N.Y. The 2018 session opens Wednesday.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Members of the New York state Assembly meet in the Assembly Chamber at the New York State Capitol on the opening day of the legislativ­e session on Jan. 4, 2017, in Albany, N.Y. The 2018 session opens Wednesday.

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