Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Sexual assault prevention aims to protect males, too


Dear Editor: At the Ulster County Probation Department, we are proud of our Crime Victims Assistance Program (CVAP) staff and the work they have done to create the Ulster County Bystanders Against Sexual Assault program.

After a successful start in New Paltz, County Executive Michael Hein invited Mayor Steve Noble and Police Chief Egidio Tinti to join with the program in announcing plans for training in the city of Kingston.

We appreciate the Freeman’s coverage of this initiative and the potential it has to prevent sexual assault. However, we need to note that the program is intended to prevent the sexual assault of males as well as females. Men can be sexual assault victims, too, and it is important to bring recognitio­n to these often underrepor­ted crimes. The Bystanders Against Sexual Assault program emphasizes the opportunit­ies that bar staff have to intervene and potentiall­y disrupt a risky situation. Situations involving multiple scenarios are reviewed so bar staff learn techniques to help keep all patrons safe regardless of gender. For more informatio­n or to sign up for the training, bar and restaurant staff can, contact Sarah Kramer-Harrison at Ulster County Crime Victims Assistance Program at (845) 3403445 or skra@co.ulster.ny.us. Nancy Schmidt, director Ulster County Probation Department Kingston

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