Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Non-voter wishes to be informed

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; Fax 210-HELOISE; or email Heloise@ Heloise.com.

Today’s Sound Off is from a reader who has concerns about voting:

DEAR HELOISE >> I would like to comment on the recent Sound Off about voting or, to be exact, the lack of voting. I am an intelligen­t 80-year-old lady who rarely votes. The reasons are: Not understand­ing what I am voting for. (And I suspect that’s the reason many folks don’t vote.) With thousands of television commercial­s, all we hear and see is one side. It’s the side paying for the commercial. I have long wished for a TV show conducted by a 100% impartial person explaining exactly what happens if we vote “yes” on a propositio­n. That qualified person can also explain the qualificat­ions of the people running for office. All we hear is badmouthin­g. If we know exactly what we’re voting for, perhaps more people would vote.

— Raelyn M., Gardenia, California

Debates between candidates are held on television, and it’s important to listen to the speakers. Then, you can decide for yourself if you believe the candidate is truthful or not.

Does the candidate have solutions to our pressing issues or just a lot of vague promises?

Voting is a duty and a privilege that we abuse when we aren’t wellinform­ed or don’t vote, because it’s up to each of us to become informed. We need to make the effort to educate ourselves. This is your country, your home and your chance to make a difference for democracy. Please don’t treat it lightly.

Fast facts


-- Keep one in the trunk of your car to carry packages.

-- Tie two together (one facing up and one facing down) to use as an emergency pet carrier.

-- Use it as an open toy chest for your toddler.

-- Fill it with items a college kid needs for their four years at school, or with gift items for a baby shower.

Honoring the deceased

DEAR HELOISE >> Why doesn’t the funeral home place the address and zip code of the church when someone passes away? That way, we could send cards and flowers directly to the church.

— Lana R., Lima, Ohio

Bring pets inside during winter

DEAR READERS >> With winter weather on its way, be sure to bring your pets inside, especially on very cold days and nights. Animals do get cold and often die because they were left out in the cold.

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