Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY)

Is there a loud talker in your life?

- Danny Tyree’s column is distribute­d by the Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

“We are the Cubs from Den 3/ And no one could be prouder/ If you cannot hear our shout/ We’ll yell a little LOUDER.”

That chant from my Cub Scout pack-meeting days comes to mind as I explore the issue of moderation-challenged speakers, or, as the prestigiou­s American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n clinically labels them, “bozos who wouldn’t know an indoor voice if it bit them on the rear.” Surely you could name some loud talkers. Maybe you are a loud talker. When you overhear people whispering about boorish behavior, perhaps you should consider asking, “Lord, is it I? I said, LORD, IS IT

I ???? ”

Booming voices disseminat­ing too-much-informatio­n revelation­s are everywhere: across the hedge, in the classroom (my second-grade teacher Mrs. Shubert dubbed me “Old Cannon Mouth”), on the beach, in the grocery store, in the homes of people who use recorded jackhammer sounds in their “white noise” machine…

Retailers certainly need all the business they can get, but frontline employees dread the arrival of certain clueless extroverts. Everyone in the building hears them as soon as they enter the front door. Heck, the store’s vendors in Southeast

Asia hear them as soon as they enter the front door!

You should consider yourself lucky if you meet an acquaintan­ce who is merely loud. Sometimes you also get a dislocated shoulder from vigorous handshakin­g, a stinging slap on the back and a public recitation of how you obtained the embarrassi­ng nickname you’ve been trying to live down since high school. (“I know you’re trying to get to the ER, stranger, but the ambulance driver can wait until you hear about Mr. Who Put the Dissected Frog in my Jockstrap?”)

Count your blessings (not out loud!) when you encounter a solo loudmouth. Too often, there are entire families who have been competing for attention for generation­s.

It’s obvious that some people unleash the decibels because they grew up poor in the middle of the 20th century. (“I can’t change my volume because I can’t find the pliers.”)

I wish all loud talkers could take some subtle hints when they’re getting carried away, but apparently many of them are colorblind as well. They mistake the blood oozing from your ears for sweat.

Don’t fall into the trap of pigeonholi­ng people purely on the basis of volume. Some people are loud only intermitte­ntly, when they’re excited to share some news; others are always “on.” Some are apologetic; some are oblivious. Some are amiable and earnest with their gushing. Others are downright obnoxious. Some you make excuses for. Others, you make burial-in-a-shallow-grave plans for.

I would shout, “Yahoo!” now that I have met my deadline, but my wife is sensitive to loud noises, and I don’t want to trigger any migraines.

She might throw out my Cub Scout merit badge for Untying Sheepshank Knots by Yodeling at Them.

Almost as coveted as the one for Scaring Little Old Ladies into Crossing the Street to Avoid You.

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