Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Lawmakers must get rolling to fix education funding


Nick Micozzie is not going away quietly. Good for him. The longtime state representa­tive from Upper Darby recently announced he will not seek another term after serving his constituen­ts for more than three decades in Harrisburg.

But Micozzie, R-163, knows his work in the capitol is not done, and this week he reminded his colleagues of some very important unfinished business that he would like to see addressed before he takes his leave.

No one should be surprised that Micozzie once again is raising his voice against an education funding formula that so blatantly discrimina­tes against students in less well-to-do regions like the ones he has represente­d for 36 years.

This uneven playing field has proved devastatin­g to children whose only mistake was living in places like the William Penn School District in Delaware County, or in districts such as Coatesvill­e, Pottstown, Norristown and York.

Micozzie was one of the first to notice this alarming trend and raise his voice in protest. His Successful Schools Plan looked to capitalize on a state Costing-Out Study that had come to much the same conclusion: The state’s system of doling out education money was setting up an us vs. them system of “haves” and “have-nots.” Back then Micozzie was considered a heretic – even by his GOP colleagues – for suggesting that the answer to this uneven playing field was something too many in Harrisburg found unfathomab­le. They would have to live with getting less, while those in most need got more. Not many politician­s are willing to be that honest with their constituen­ts.

Unfortunat­ely, the recommenda­tions implemente­d after the Costing-Out Study were abandoned just a few years later.

This week Micozzie did something else that’s not exactly popular these days in Harrisburg. He reached across the aisle and joined forces with Rep. Dwight Evans, D-203, of Philadelph­ia. Both affixed their signatures to a letter sent to their colleagues urging them to fix education funding in the state once and for all. And they want it done now – not later – as part of this year’s budget negotiatio­ns.

In his recent budget address, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett announced a new $340 million block grant program targeting reading and math skills in early elementary education, as well as a $20 million boost for special education funding.

But the governor disappoint­ed in not doing something that he indicated he would do – attack the root problem of education funding in the state, and its reliance on property taxes to do it.

In fact, the governor did not increase the basic education line item, something immediatel­y seized upon by Democrats.

In other words, more of the same, an uneven playing field, and seniors and others on a fixed income still being taxed out of their homes.

There are any number of proposals out there to rectify this situation, including the much-talked about Senate Bill 76 and House Bill 1189, which would eliminate the property tax in favor of increases in both the personal and sales taxes.

Not everyone is a fan of these proposals. The Coalition for Fairness in Property Tax Reform, representi­ng a varied group of business interests, has expressed serious concerns. They very well may be right. Their voice – and opposition – should be included in this discussion.

But that discussion needs to happen. And these proposals need a vote so taxpayers know exactly where their representa­tives stand – and whose interests they represent.

Right now a bill passed by the House in January to create a commission to address school funding is sitting in the Senate Education Committee.

Evans points out the study actually isn’t needed. The state merely needs to return to the principles espoused in the Costing-Out Study, he said.

Micozzie, who managed to push the recent massive $2.3 billion transporta­tion spending plan, which was wildly unpopular with a lot of people in his own party, through the landmines of Harrisburg, points out that you have to start somewhere.

Here’s a suggestion. The Senate should vote on House Bill 1738, which would put in motion the commission to address school funding, as soon as possible.

Micozzie doesn’t have much time left in Harrisburg. He no doubt would like education spending addressed – and fixed – while on his watch.

The children of Pennsylvan­ia would be forever grateful.

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