Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Sounding Off

A look at what readers are saying in comments on our website and on social media, including Facebook and Twitter. Call 484-899-0775


“President Obama has unilateral­ly granted amnesty to illegal immigrants. However, leaked reports indicate his act will effect millions. Already voter fraud is tilting elections. The Cooperativ­e Congressio­nal Election Study indicates 6.4 percent of non-citizens have cast illegal ballots. We have allowed more than 11 million people to sneak into our country illegally. Therefore, the president’s edict is certain to make a bad situation even worse.”

— E. Jaye “President Obama is scared to death of China. His trip to talk with the Chinese leadership was a farce and a trap by the Chinese who continue to steal our research and developmen­t work and continue to lie about it as they smile at us. Our president knows this perfidy but he refuses to admit it to the American people.”

— MJ “I just want to make note that it seems Coatesvill­e City Council is still in the business of running developers out of the City of Coatesvill­e rather than working with them to get something done here. The town is deplorable and you would think that they would have some considerat­ion and try to work with and try and build whatever ... and that mound on The Flats has four or five trees growing out of it. What is that about?”

— Garland “I guess the students and employees must continue to ignore the poor leadership problem at Lincoln University. How many times has student enrollment dropped? And the employee turnover is rampant. There needs to be a change. How long will the trustees continue to kick this can down the road? The university is broke but that is a fine car that he is sporting.”

— Linc “The comments by Brooks of Westtown indicate his continued belief in Obama’s policies despite the midterm elections clearly indicating that the American public does not support Obama’s policies. Obama as I previously indicated withheld the announceme­nt of increased Obamacare rates until after the midterm elections. His lies to the American public and continued violation of the U.S. Constituti­on continue and it is time to consider his removal from office. Take off your blindfold, Brooks, and see the light.”

— Richard “Brooks of Westtown showed his liberal views in Sounding Off recently. All you had to do was read his comments that people don’t always know what’s best for themselves. If that isn’t a socialist statement, then I don’t know what is. It reminds me of Nancy Pelosi’s statement about Obamacare when it was being put forward to Congress ...’don’t bother to read it, just sign it, we will read it later.’ And now look at the mess we are in. This is the same thinking ... we don’t know what’s best for us ... Congress does, the government does. As long as I am over 21, working to support myself and my family and have free will, I would like to make my own decisions without any government intrusions into them. If I am wrong, I’ll live with it. By I want the option without it being taken away from me. Brooks, now we know where you are coming from.”

— Sue of Caln “The way that James Ellison is being taken care of by the Coates- ville Area School Board, I wouldn’t be surprised he ends up getting a position with the school district and retires from the district. And by the way DA Tom Hogan, how is that investigat­ion going?”

— WWT “President Obama new four years ago that Obamcare architect Jonathan Gruber was lying about the Affordable Care Act and that the American taxpayers would be forced to pay for it. But now President Obama says he will not get rid of it. The president and the legislator­s in Washington, D.C. are supposed to be working for the American taxpayer, not for greedy crooks. The Treasury Department says the U.S. deficit is $121.7 billion, up $31.1 billion from two years ago. Yet the corporatio­ns and the super-rich are still not paying their fair share of taxes.”


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