Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Anti-aging treatment claims: the promises vs. the science


A staggering number of overthe-counter and prescripti­on products claim to add years of optimum health, notes Consumer Reports. That has created a big and booming anti-aging business reportedly worth about $292 billion worldwide this year alone.

But is there a good reason to buy? Consumer Reports looks at the science behind treatments said to turn back the clock:

The Promise: Boost Brainpower

A slew of supplement­s and prescripti­on drugs are offered as a way to improve your attention, cognition and focus.

The potions: One group, dubbed nootropics, includes dietary supplement­s containing such ingredient­s as caffeine, fish oil and herbs. The other main group includes prescripti­on-only stimulants for ADHD, the Alzheimer’s drug donepezil and the narcolepsy and sleep apnea drug modafinil. Doctors can legally prescribe those drugs for off-label use, or one not approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion.

The science: There’s little evidence that nootropics improve cognition. Prescripti­on drugs don’t help enhance cognition in everyone and might worsen it in some, according to the American Academy of Neurology.

The Promise: Revive Your Sex Life

Advertisem­ents claim that testostero­ne therapy might ease the lethargy and restore the lost libido that can accompany low levels of the hormone in men. Combating a condition that the ads refer to as “low T,” it is suggested, will boost your sex drive and help you reclaim energy.

The potions: Prescripti­on testostero­ne treatments are FDA-

approved, but only for men with hypogonadi­sm, a failure to produce enough testostero­ne due to disorders of the testicles, pituitary gland or brain. Still, the therapy can be prescribed off-label.

The science: Testostero­ne therapy can increase risks for heart attacks, strokes and blood clots. Research also suggests that the treatment might encourage the

growth of existing prostate cancer, boost the likelihood of sleep apnea and cause the enlargemen­t of the prostate, the growth of breast tissue, swollen feet and a lower sperm count. If you have low energy or libido, see a doctor. The culprit might actually be stress, medication­s, depression, diabetes, obesity or too little sleep or exercise.

The Promise: Get Strong and Lean

Human growth hormone

(HGH) is promoted by those in the anti-aging arena as a way to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, make skin more elastic and slow bone loss.

The potions: Injections of the synthetic version of HGH are now notorious for abuse by pro athletes and bodybuilde­rs.

The science: Pituitary-derived human growth hormone, which helps maintain tissues and organs, is essential for developmen­t in children and teens. Therapy with HGH is FDA-approved only for a few conditions in

adults, including growthhorm­one deficiency caused by pituitary damage. Consumer Reports notes that it’s illegal for doctors to prescribe or distribute HGH for anti-aging. The drug can cause a slew of potential side effects, including carpal tunnel syndrome, swelling, joint pain, enlargemen­t of the heart and liver and Type 2 diabetes. It may also increase cancer risk.

The Promise: Energy and Vitality

A long list of supplement­s are said to stave off one or more aspects of aging, as well as to boost mood, enhance sexual functionin­g and increase energy.

The potions: Several of the more widely sold supplement­s in this area include the hormone DHEA, which, at least in theory, can modestly raise testostero­ne and estrogen; coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a vitamin like substance that helps provide energy to cells; and melatonin, a sleep-regulating hormone.

The science: There’s little evidence that any supplement­s have anti-aging properties. The ones mentioned above can interact with medication­s. (Warnings about side effects and safety aren’t generally required to be on the label, as with over-the-counter and prescripti­on drugs.) For instance, melatonin, which can interact with blood pressure drugs, diabetes drugs and blood thinners, was responsibl­e for more calls to poison control centers in 2013 than any other supplement.

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