Daily Local News (West Chester, PA)

Chesco man receives French Legion of Honor medal


Peter Munger recently was invited to the French Embassy in Washington, D.C., to receive the French Legion of Honor Medal for his participat­ion in the liberation of France. The medal was presented to him by the French Consul General Serot du Almeras. It is the highest decoration of the French government. It is presented in appreciati­on of all U.S. soldiers who participat­ed in the French liberation. This declaratio­n carries with it the name chevalier which is how Munger is to be addressed and how he will sign letters.

Munger arrived in France July 7, 1944. He joined the 30th infantry division in Normandy in late July and continued through France. The division halted briefly at the Siene River outside of Paris. His 30th Division troops were the first in Belgium and Holland. The 30th Division continued on, liberating Belgium and the lower part of the Netherland­s. The division crossed the Rhine River and fought over to the Elba River where it halted and waited for the Russians to meet them.

In addition to the French medal, Munger also has received the Combat Infantry Badge, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, ETO ribbon with five battle stars, the Presidenti­al Unit Citation, Army of Occupation Medal, the Victory Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, the Expert Rifleman and various honorary decoration­s plus the French and Belgium Forregere de Guerre. Munger and his wife of 67 years live at Bellingham in West Chester.

 ??  ?? Peter Munger receives the Legion of Honor medal in a ceremony in Washington, D.C., late last year.
Peter Munger receives the Legion of Honor medal in a ceremony in Washington, D.C., late last year.

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